Coffee review

Lucky Guy changed his name? Zhengzhou netizens discovered the "Lucky Cup" coffee shop?!

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory At present, the coffee 9.9 price war is fierce. Even the high-priced Starbucks has quietly lowered prices and participated in this scuffle. Lucky Coffee, who is famous for its low prices, is different this time. He drew a "6 yuan 6" track and poured coffee

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At present, the coffee 9.9 price war is fierce, even the high-end Starbucks also quietly reduced prices, to participate in this melee. Lucky coffee, which is famous for its low price, is different this time, drawing a "6.6" track and pulling down the price of coffee.

As soon as this activity was launched, it attracted many budget-conscious consumers, and the activist rushed to the nearest store to buy a cup and experienced the happiness of 6.60 yuan.

However, when the customer came to a lucky coffee shop, he looked up and froze, and the sign above his head read "Lucky Cup"! It was surrounded by familiar scenery, but the sign seemed to remind itself of the wrong store, "getting up hard?" isn't it called Lucky Cafe? " "changed its name? isn't it lucky coffee?" .

It is understood that this "Lucky Cup" coffee shop is located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, which used to be a chain of lucky coffee stores, and there has been more than one "Lucky Cup" coffee in Zhengzhou.

These stores are red-based decoration style, the signboard "Poker King" logo is the same as the Lucky Caf logo, the only difference is the name of the store. Consumers said that if you do not take a closer look at the signs, just look at the appearance of the store, it is very easy to confuse the two.

The sudden appearance of the "lucky cup" coffee puzzled fans. Lucky coffee is the chain coffee brand of Honey Snow Ice City, which is headquartered in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. If someone brazenly imitates a "lucky coffee" on the boundary of Zhengzhou, it is impossible for the head office not to know about it.

So from the fact that there is no official response to this, it is speculated that these "lucky cup" stores should not be the brand Gao Fang stores that fans are worried about. But in this way, netizens are even more puzzled, although the "Lucky Cup" sounds very approachable, but "Lucky Caf" has been widely spread, the brand suddenly changed its name for no reason.

In fact, when a brand registers a trademark, it usually registers all the names that are similar to the brand name as its own trademark, such as "Lao Qian Ma", "Old Aunt" and other similar trademarks under the well-known brand Lao Gan Ma. This can prevent interested people from imitating and copying products with similar names and infringing upon their own brands and trademarks after the brand is popular.

However, in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Law, if a registered trademark is not used for three consecutive years without legitimate reasons, any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for cancellation of the registered trademark. Therefore, some netizens speculate that the reason why these direct stores have recently changed their name to "Lucky Cup" may be that the brand side is in order to avoid the cancellation of unused trademarks.

However, although netizens understand the good intentions of the brand side, many consumers say it is difficult to accept when they see a change in the familiar name of the store. Netizens suggested that these renamed stores may be able to show a statement in front of the store to prevent people who do not know the truth from questioning the authenticity of the store.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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