Coffee review

Introduction to Hope Estate in Cauca Province, a coffee producing area in Colombia

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Colombia is a large country rich in natural resources. It has the world-famous "four treasures": coffee, flowers, gold and emeralds, of which coffee is one. Colombia is also the third largest coffee producer in the world, second only to Brazil and Vietnam. Colombia The terrain of Colombia is roughly divided into the west

Colombia is a rich country, with the world-famous "four treasures", coffee, flowers, gold and emeralds, and coffee is one of them. Colombia is also the third largest coffee producer in the world, after Brazil and Vietnam.

Columbia Colombia

The topography of Colombia is roughly divided into the western mountain area and the eastern plain area. The west is mainly the Andes, and there are many coastal plains; the east is mainly composed of Orinoco plain and Amazon plain. The Andes are divided into the eastern, central and western Cordillera mountains in Colombia.

Colombia is located in the tropics, and the climate varies according to the topography. The southern part of the eastern plain and the Pacific coast belong to the tropical rain forest climate, the mountains of 1000-2000 meters above sea level belong to the subtropical climate, and the northwest belongs to the savanna climate. Colombia has a number of volcanoes and rivers, as well as 51.9% of the country's forests. High-altitude mountains, volcanic soil, a variety of climate, sufficient Rain Water and sunshine, is an ideal area for coffee cultivation.

Colombia's coffee-producing areas are concentrated in the Andes, on steep slopes about 1300 meters above sea level, with a year-round temperature of about 18 ℃ and annual rainfall of 2000-3000 mm. Colombia also has three Codiera mountains extending north and south, right into the Andes, and the mountain steps provide a diverse climate, so it is the harvest season all year round.

Colombia's main coffee producers include the provinces of Cauca (Cauca), Santander (Santander), Narino (Narino), Tolima (Tolima) and Huila (Huilan). It also has a number of well-known manors, such as Hope Manor and the dividing line manor that is more common in Qianjie.

Hope Manor Cafe Granja La Esperanza

Hope the estate has five coffee farms in Colombia.

Potos í: located in the province of Cauca, Colombia (Cauca), planting 1400-1860 meters above sea level, with 11 plots covering an area of 52 hectares, mainly planting some new varieties such as Sidra.

Cerro Azul: located in Cauca, Colombia, it is planted at 1700-2000 m above sea level and has seven plots covering an area of 17.4ha. It is famous for its meticulous treatment.

Las Margatitas: located in the province of Cauca, Colombia (Cauca), it is planted at 1570-1850 meters above sea level and has 13 plots covering an area of 33.8ha, mainly growing Rosa Gesha and Sudan Rumei Sudan Rume.

Estate of Hope (La Esperanza): located in the province of Cauca, Colombia (Cauca), it is planted at 1430-1760 meters above sea level and has 11 plots covering an area of 34.3ha, with varieties such as bourbon Bourbon, Kaddura Caturra and Rosa Gesha.

Hawaii (Hawaii): located in Cundinamarca province of Kundinamaka, it is planted at 1450-1530 m above sea level. It has 10 plots and covers an area of 12.5ha. Varieties such as Bourbon Bourbon, Kaddura Caturra and Castiu Castillo are planted.

The estate is currently owned by the Herrera family, which bought the Potos í estate in 1945 and gradually acquired and established it to form what is now the five estates. In addition, the laboratory team with Q-Grader certification continues to improve the production process to ensure the quality of coffee beans, so the estate has won a number of awards.