Coffee review

Without publicity and drainage, the coffee festival was criticized by merchants!

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop During the holidays, coffee festivals, coffee markets, etc. from various places also follow. Some of these activities have been held for many years and have accumulated a certain good reputation. Therefore, the organizers will also Listen to suggestions from all parties and improve the content of the annual event in order to achieve a new one.

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As soon as the holidays come, coffee festivals and coffee bazaars will follow, some of which have been held for many years and have accumulated a certain good reputation, so the organizers will also listen to suggestions from all parties to improve the content of each year's activities, so that the new session will have a better sense of experience than the previous one.

This is the case with the coffee culture festival somewhere. The organizers of this year's event have changed the previous rules on collecting tickets and relaxed the admission restrictions for tourists, hoping to attract more people who are interested in coffee to visit and experience the coffee culture by lowering the threshold.

But in fact, according to the feedback of the exhibitors, although the threshold for guests to enter the venue has been lowered, the flow of people at the event did not meet expectations. Compared with the previous events, the merchants revealed that the organizers did not attract and publicize the cultural festival, nor did they give the admirers directions in advance, so that they did not know that there were not many guests at the event.

In addition, the weather was changeable during the event, with heavy rain on June 1 and sunny Dragon Boat Festival, but the organizers did not take into account the needs of merchants for rain and sunshade and did not provide any solutions. as a result, the materials of some merchants were damaged by Rain Water.

Even when the merchants poured out their grievances, the tourists also thought that the experience of this event was not as good as expected. According to customers, the cultural festival is held on the fifth floor terrace of a mall, and people who are not familiar with the mall are difficult to find without any guidance. Moreover, many people say that most of the coffee stalls are special coffee, and the average price is also on the high side, which is not friendly to tourists who want to prefer black coffee.

Some people said frankly that they strolled around the scene of the event and couldn't find a brand they were familiar with, so they didn't buy a cup and left.

Nowadays, there are more coffee-themed activities, but the negative reviews are also increasing. Some consumers will be labeled "cutting leeks" after hearing about the event. In their view, the price of drinks at the event is slightly higher than the daily price, and although they can drink all kinds of coffee drinks at the end of the day, they really spend a lot of money, which costs at least a few hundred yuan.

On the other hand, many businessmen also complain about this kind of activities. They say that in recent years, the cost of stalls for activities has been on the rise, coupled with the cost of materials and renting machines, so it costs them at least tens of thousands of yuan to run an event. Therefore, if the brand wants to get back to the cost quickly in a short period of time, it can only increase the unit price of the drink on the spot.

However, if there are unfavorable factors such as non-publicity and drainage by the organizers, chaotic organization and management on the spot, and the impact of extreme weather, then merchants may be able to barely break even for a few days, while a few people may be "in vain."

Some netizens said bluntly that although there are many coffee-themed activities nowadays, some of them are no longer aimed at promoting coffee culture and providing a platform for coffee lovers to communicate. This also makes more and more people feel that the coffee festival has "changed its flavor" and can no longer smell the pure coffee smell at the beginning.

Picture from: Internet

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