Coffee review

Panama| Introduction to Carmen Manor in the Vulcan Region

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Panama Coffee has a high reputation in the global coffee market, driven by the Panamanian Specialty Coffee Association (SCAP), which designs and organizes the Best Of Panama (BOP) competition. After its launch, high-quality coffee beans continue to emerge, and

Panamanian coffee is well known in the global coffee market, driven by the Panamanian Coffee Association (SCAP), which designs and organizes the best Panama (Best Of Panama, referred to as BOP) competition. After the launch, the continuous emergence of high-quality coffee beans and high prices at auction have made Panamanian producers have more contact with the international community and become famous. In 2005 Rosa rose stood out for its excellent flavor and achievements, and since then the rose summer variety has become famous.

Panama Panama

Apart from the promotion of SCAP, Panama is also inseparable from its unique geographical environment. Panama is located in the southernmost part of Central America, near the equator. Panama has undulating terrain and vertical and horizontal valleys. In addition to the plains along the coast, Panama is mostly mountainous, and is rich in forests, rivers and volcanoes.

The country has a tropical maritime climate, humid during the day and cool at night, with an annual average temperature of 23 ℃-27 ℃, an annual average rainfall of 1500-2500 mm, and a complex and changeable microclimate under the influence of geographical environment, which give coffee trees ideal planting conditions.

Coffee producing area

The boutique coffee producing areas are mainly concentrated in the Chiriqu í province of Panama, which is divided into three main producing areas: Boquete, Volcan-Candela and Renacimiento, all of which are located in the country's Baru volcano Volc á n Baru, Erbaye volcano El Valle and Rajaguada volcano Le Yeguada.

Among them, Pokuit can be said to be the most famous coffee producing area in Panama, because it has many well-known estates, such as Emerald Manor, Duncan Manor and Arida Manor.

Although the Vulcan producing area is not as well-known as the Pokuit producing area, the Walken producing area is located to the east of the Baru volcano, which is different from the Pokuit producing area, which is also located in the Balu volcano. The Walken region has a northern mountain barrier, making it difficult to reach the moisture in the Atlantic Ocean, so it will be dry, but sunny, and coffee is grown in fertile volcanic soil between 1200 and 1900 meters above sea level. In recent years, Walken coffee has gradually gained a reputation in the boutique coffee market. For example, Carmen Manor, which won the champion of the BOP washing group in 2023, also won the second and fourth places in the tanning group in 2024 BOP.

Carmen Manor (Carmen Estate Coffee)

Carmen Manor is located 1750 meters above sea level between the Baru volcano and the Walken Valley in Panama, and between the valleys, it has the Chiriki River all the way south to the Pacific Ocean, nourished by nutritious volcanic black soil and rivers.

In 1960, Ms. Efrain and Mr. Carmen Franceschi came to Panama and established Carmen Manor, which can be said to have a history of more than 60 years. And the estate has always insisted on living in harmony with the natural ecology, and was certified as "C.A.F.E PRACTICE" (Coffee and Agricultural Rights and interests) in 2014.

At present, the estate not only grows rose Geisha varieties, but also grows Kaddura Caturra and Kaduai Catuai varieties. And Carmen Manor Kaduai also has a good variety, in this year's multi-variety group of Carmen Manor suntan Kaduai also won the fourth place with a score of 91.50.