Coffee review

What is the difference between a siphon pot and making coffee by hand? Can I use filter paper in addition to flannel for a sycamore? What is the principle of siphoning?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Siphon pots, because of their unique coffee-making method and extremely high ornamental value, once became a popular coffee appliance in the last century. Qian Street said last winter that with the rise of retro trends, more and more stores are adding the option of siphon pot coffee to the menu, which gives friends in the new era the opportunity to have

Siphon pot, because of its unique way of making coffee and high ornamental, once became a popular coffee utensils in the last century. Qianjie said last winter that with the rise of the retro trend, more and more stores have added the option of siphon pot coffee to their menus, which gives friends of the new era a chance to enjoy the delicacies of the past.

Because it is also a way of making individual coffee, people will inevitably compare it with the modern mainstream extraction method, "hand-brewed coffee". Friends who have drunk siphon pot coffee know that there is a great difference between siphon pot coffee and hand-brewed coffee, both in terms of taste and taste.

Hand-brewed coffee tastes cleaner, the level is more obvious, and the flavor is more prominent. On the other hand, the siphon pot coffee tastes more mellow, the aroma is stronger and the taste is more solid. So I believe many friends wonder why the gap between the two is so big. So today in front of the street, let's share why there is such a big difference between siphon pots and hand-made coffee.

First, the extraction methods of different hand-brewed coffee are mainly "drip filter", that is, the so-called "filter". When hot water is injected to extract coffee, the coffee liquid will seep out from the filter paper at the same time, which is called trickling filtration. Careful friends will notice that Qianjie says "main" rather than "all". Because hand-brewed coffee can also be soaked in the process of brewing, it is not to say that the water has washed the coffee powder directly, but will stay for a short time and then seep out from the filter paper. therefore, hand-brewed coffee is not a complete trickle extraction.

Many friends may think that the extraction method of siphon pot coffee is "siphon", which is not right, because the siphon pot only uses the siphon principle to pump hot water to the upper pot, which is not used for coffee extraction.

When the hot water is pumped to the pot, adding coffee powder to soak is the official beginning of extraction, so accurately speaking, the extraction method of siphon pot coffee should be "soaking". The flavor substances in the powder are extracted by soaking the water and the coffee powder.

Because the immersion extraction uses all the hot water to contact the coffee powder, when the substance in the water reaches a certain degree, it will slow down the dissolution rate and no longer ask for too much flavor substances in the coffee, that is, we often say that it has reached a state of saturation. therefore, the taste of the siphon pot coffee will be relatively balanced and full of aroma, but the flavor will not be too prominent (it also has something to do with the second factor). The trickle filter extraction will continue to use pure hot water to extract the flavor substances in the coffee, pure hot water has a lot of "storage space", it will continue to ask for the flavor substances in the coffee. As a result, coffee made from hand-brewed coffee will have a fuller coffee flavor, but as a result, it is more likely to be extracted. It is worth mentioning that compared with the conventional immersion extraction, the immersion extraction of the siphon pot will be somewhat different. Because of the function of the siphon principle, the hot water will be continuously heated during the extraction process of the coffee, so that the lower pot has enough air to keep the hot water in the upper pot all the time, so the immersion extraction of the siphon pot is completely constant temperature. the conventional immersion and drip extraction is a process of continuous loss of temperature, and the temperature of water will gradually decrease with time, so the siphon pot will have a higher extraction rate. With stirring, it can complete the extraction in a shorter time.

The difference of filtration methods in addition to extraction methods, the filtration methods of the two kinds of coffee will also have a great impact on the performance of coffee. Hand-brewed coffee uses a very high density filter paper, which can not pass through anything other than the coffee liquid, and only the coffee liquid seeps out.

The siphon pot mainly uses flannel filter cloth, although filter paper can also be used, but because it can not be fully covered, it cannot form an "airtight" space like hand-brewed coffee. Fine powder, oil and other substances can fall into the lower pot through the gap and add to the coffee liquid, so the siphon pot coffee will look cloudy. Although grease and fine powder make the coffee liquid less clean, they provide a more mellow taste for coffee, so siphon pot coffee tastes better.

On the other hand, hand-made coffee is precisely because the filter is too clean, resulting in the lack of a certain mellow taste, but this is also one of its major advantages, extremely clean! So we can know why the taste of coffee made by siphon pot and hand-made coffee is so different, not only because of the influence of extraction, but also because of the difference of filtration system.