Coffee review

Why raise beans? What is the difference between waking beans and raising beans? What is the tasting period?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, During the roasting process of coffee beans, a lot of carbon dioxide will be produced due to the chemical reactions in the beans. These gases will accumulate inside the beans due to pressure. Although carbon dioxide does not directly affect the taste of coffee. However, excessive presence of it will hinder the extraction of coffee and reduce

In the process of roasting, coffee beans will produce a lot of carbon dioxide due to chemical reactions in the beans, and these gases will accumulate in the beans because of pressure. Although carbon dioxide does not directly affect the taste of coffee. However, excessive presence of it will hinder the extraction of coffee and reduce the coffee flavor substances that can be extracted by hot water.

So we need to use some specific means to reduce the carbon dioxide content of beans to a certain extent, so that hot water can extract the flavor substances from coffee more evenly. There are mainly two kinds of specific means: "raise beans" and "wake up beans". Maybe some friends don't know much about them, especially the latter. Never mind! Qianjie today to share, what is beans, what is Xingdou!

What is raising beans? The so-called bean cultivation is the period of time during which freshly roasted coffee beans are released naturally and release a large amount of carbon dioxide from the body. When the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the coffee beans is not enough to affect the extraction, it means that the beans have been raised and entered the taste period. In fact, it's the same as fattening a pig and then killing it! Raised beans due to the release of carbon dioxide, hot water can more easily extract the flavor substances from the coffee, so the coffee can more fully explain its own delicacy.

Generally speaking, the time of raising beans will be determined according to the degree of roasting of coffee beans. Although many friends may think that deep-roasted coffee beans take less time to grow than light-roasted coffee beans because of their loose structure, in fact, on the contrary, the deeper the coffee beans are roasted, the longer it takes to grow them. Because the deeper the coffee beans are roasted, the longer they stay in the oven and the more carbon dioxide the body accumulates. Even if it has a looser structure, it takes more time to exhaust because it contains too much carbon dioxide.

Generally speaking, Qianjie recommends raising light-roasted beans for 3-5 days and deep-baked beans for 5-7 days, so that good coffee can be extracted more stably.

What is Xingdou? "Xingdou", for most people, is a relatively unfamiliar word. Because there are so few opportunities to use it, it's not surprising that coffee people who have been in the industry for many years don't know it. And awakening beans does not mean to wake up coffee beans! Instead, before brewing, the coffee beans to be used are taken out of the bag and placed for a short time. Expose it to more fresh air to speed up the loss of carbon dioxide. Because many times the coffee beans received are too fresh, some friends can't wait to drink a pot, so they will reduce the extraction hindrance caused by excessive carbon dioxide in this way.

But it actually takes a long time to do so. In the absence of grinding, the contact area of coffee beans is relatively small, although it will dissipate gas faster than conventional beans, but it will take at least an hour. Therefore, Qianjie is more recommended to grind the coffee beans and then place them, so that the surface area of the coffee beans will be greatly increased, and the "wake-up" time will be shortened to a few minutes, so we can enjoy the delicious coffee quickly!