Coffee review

"I saw my store, and a colleague I knew advised me to close it down."

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Shop Recently, a coffee shop owner posted that he knew a colleague who was planning to change careers and wanted to find someone to rent the store. He happened to be looking for a new location to move the store, so the two hit it off and started negotiating sublease matters. Before actually taking over, colleagues put forward ideas

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Recently, a coffee shop owner posted that he knew a colleague who was planning to change professions and was looking for someone to rent a storefront, and he happened to be looking for a new location to move the store, so the two hit it off and talked about subletting. Before really taking over, the colleague suggested to have a look at the store he was running.

Quite surprisingly, after a visit to the store, the colleague did not talk in detail about the details of subletting and persuaded the shopkeeper to close the store.

She pointed out that the owner of the coffee shop "revealed a breath of death", such a store atmosphere will make guests uncomfortable, passers-by will not easily enter the door, regular customers may no longer patronize. So instead of advising the shopkeeper to rent the higher-rent storefront, she advised people to close the coffee shop and change jobs. Some persuasion benefited the shopkeeper a lot, saying, "now the business in the store is so bad, so it's all because of me." Many netizens also believe that, as a coffee shop operator, this colleague is "quite to the point", pointing out a point that will be overlooked in store operation-"vibrant relaxation".

For people who often patronize the cafe, they like the high-quality coffee produced by the store on the one hand and the relaxed atmosphere in the store on the other. It seems that as long as you step into the space full of the aroma of coffee, you will unconsciously relax, whether you are working or studying, or reading and chatting, you will enter a comfortable state. The relaxed feeling brought to the customers not only depends on the decoration design of the store, but also needs the operator's own state. If the store manager is full of drive and smiles at the customers who enter the door, the positive work attitude will naturally attract the attention of customers and infect others, making them willing to approach actively. On the other hand, if the store manager is depressed and unmotivated, the depressed mood will not only worry colleagues, but will also be passed on to the guests, unconsciously moving away from the depressed atmosphere.

However, the pressure brought by the volume of the industry makes it difficult for independent coffee shops, and operators will more or less fall into negative emotions such as anxiety and irritability because of the poor condition of the stores. For example, bloggers themselves are often depressed because of the poor operation of the coffee shop, and set up their own trumpet to pour bitterness in the unfamiliar network to dispel their negative emotions. But this way may cure the symptoms rather than the root cause, the flagging personal state will eventually affect the atmosphere of the store, so that there are fewer and fewer customers, and the problem is pointed out by the peers.

Practitioners who feel the same way say that when the store is at a low ebb, it is inevitable that they will be worried about poor operating conditions. But the more eager you are to change the status quo and make the business better, the more likely it is to backfire and enter a vicious circle. And they will gradually lose their love for coffee and passion for work in the emotional internal friction, forget the original intention of opening a shop, and become tired. Therefore, instead of being forced to a bleak end by realistic factors, it is better to take the initiative to close the store and have a good rest in a different environment, or you can calm down and look back. When you open for business again, the adjusted state may usher in different results.

Picture from: Internet

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