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A terrible kidnapping occurred in Ethiopia! The level of security is worrying

Published: 2024-10-24 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/24, According to local media reports in Ethiopia, in recent times, Ethiopia has been troubled and there have been constant conflicts in the country. In May, it clashed with Fano forces in the Amhara region, and the government forces deployed as many as 90000 recruits to conduct military operations, which still did not work. However, the previous

According to Ethiopian local media reports, in recent days, Ethiopia has not been peaceful, the country has been constantly in conflict. Clashes with Farno forces in the Amhara region in May, and the deployment of as many as 90000 new recruits to carry out military operations are still ineffective.

However, previous conflicts have mainly occurred in Amhara, but recently there have also been clashes and kidnappings in Oromia, where the capital is located. According to reports, the Oromo Liberation Army militants in the Wachale area of the North Shaoa district attacked a public bus, killing three people.

According to local residents, the driver was injured and escaped, but all passengers on the bus and another minibus were kidnapped by militants. But only a few days later, there was another kidnapping on the A3 highway north of the capital Addis Ababa.

According to media reports, the gunmen kidnapped three buses and more than 100 students, most of them from Debach University, and the incident took place in the town of Gerbe Guracha town, about 155km from the capital Addis Ababa, near the town of GohaTsion.

It is said that Ethiopian government forces, including the National Defense Forces, militia and special forces in the area, arrived at the scene but found nothing, and the kidnappers demanded a huge ransom. According to the families of the university students, the kidnappers demanded 700000 Ethiopian Bill.

According to the family members of some college students in recent days, the kidnappers asked them for a ransom of 500000 to 1 million Ethiopian pesos, but some family members said they could not come up with 7000 pesos, let alone 700000. And these families have turned to Debak University and the Ethiopian government for help, but have not seen any action from the government. The families feel painful about the ransom demanded and the government's inaction, and are not hopeful about the government. They think that the best option is to raise funds to pay the ransom.

According to the latest news, the director of the Oromia State Communications Bureau said that 160 students have been released, but seven students are still kidnapped. The state government said that security forces were involved in the rescue of the students, and the rescue of the remaining students was still in progress, but the statement was still questioned by the families of many students.

It was not clear where the students were held, why it was impossible to ensure the release of the remaining seven students, and it was not clear whether there was an exchange of fire between the two sides. As a result, local people believe that the group may plan more kidnappings in the future.

However, it has always been believed that the Oromo Liberation Army planned the kidnappings, but yesterday, a statement issued by the senior headquarters of the Oromo Liberation Army said that the kidnapping was carefully planned by Ethiopian national intelligence officials and junior party cadres, and the leadership of the Prosperity Party used kidnapping and ransom as a political means to slander opponents. And pointed out that the kidnapping was carried out in the area by the fake Oromo Liberation Army led by Simales. It is the Ethiopian government that has linked the Oromo Liberation Army to kidnappings and killings in the Oromia region of Ethiopia.

At present, the incident has attracted a lot of attention, with the United States Embassy in Ethiopia condemning the recent upsurge in kidnapping and extortion in the Oromia and Amhara regions of Ethiopia, and calling on the region to stop kidnapping civilians and students with economic interests, and the United States Consulate in Ethiopia has designated Ethiopia as a level 3 area, requiring careful consideration.

In addition, in May, the Chinese Consulate in Ethiopia issued a notice that on the surface, many areas of Ethiopia are high-risk areas, and some areas are very high-risk areas. Citizens and institutions going to Ethiopia are reminded of the local travel risk levels and safety warnings, and the announcement has not yet been cancelled.

However, recently, Ethiopia is hosting the Outstanding Cup COE Coffee Competition, which has gathered international judges from a number of countries, including the United States, China, Japan and other countries, and will attract many coffee lovers, coffee traders and bean hunters to the country. However, there have been a number of recent kidnappings in areas not far from the capital, which may be potentially dangerous, so do not travel to Ethiopia for the time being.

In addition, Ethiopia has previously encountered a variety of problems, resulting in a decline in coffee exports, and the current number of kidnappings make it risky for some coffee traders to go to Ethiopia. To this end, they will focus on Ethiopia's neighboring countries or other African coffee-producing countries, which will hinder the development of Ethiopia's coffee industry and affect its international influence.