Coffee review

Why does espresso go with ice water? Why can ice water clean the mouth? How to improve the flavor perception of coffee?

Published: 2024-10-24 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/24, In the past two days, guests stationed in Qianjie Store have discovered an interesting phenomenon! Some customers clearly ordered a cup of hot coffee, but also asked Qianjie for a cup of ice water. Then before drinking coffee, you have to take a sip of ice water before drinking coffee. So this puzzled him. What good would it do? Alternate hot and cold, difficult

In the past two days, guests stationed in Qianjie Store have discovered an interesting phenomenon! Some customers clearly ordered a cup of hot coffee, but also asked Qianjie for a cup of ice water. Then before drinking coffee, you have to take a sip of ice water before drinking coffee. So this puzzled him. What good would it do? Changing hot and cold, won't you have diarrhea...

Heh heh, don't underestimate such a move! It is still very helpful for coffee tasting!

What are the benefits of drinking ice water on coffee tasting? The so-called "ice water" is actually a cup of cold water made of ice and water. Although it is very simple to make, as mentioned above, the role it can play cannot be underestimated! (Remember to pay attention to the matters needing attention at the end of the article)

After we finish eating and drinking, food and drinks will have a certain residue in our mouths. These residual substances will continue to emit volatile compounds, covering our mouths, filling our mouths with the smell of food. Give us a simple and easy-to-understand chestnut: the sweetness we feel after drinking coffee is due to the experience of the substances emitted by the coffee grease remaining in the mouth being captured by our taste buds and the smell behind the nose. Because these substances give off flavors, the existence of these flavors will affect our perception and recognition of coffee tasting. So, at this time, a "cleaner" is needed to remove them and reduce obstacles when we taste coffee. And this "cleaner" is not ice water!

Unexpectedly! I'm very happy! This "cleaner" is actually our "saliva". The enzymes in saliva can help us remove substances in our mouths and inhibit the emission of volatile substances. After we drink ice water, the low temperature of the ice water will stimulate the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, causing us to secrete more saliva. Then this saliva will help us clean up the substance. At this time, we can better feel the flavor of the coffee itself!

The reason why many friends form this habit is most likely because they have tried espresso in a coffee shop. Because the concentration of espresso is high, the flavor is relatively concentrated. It is well known that when flavors are too concentrated, their perception is reduced. If we drink it directly, it may be hindered by too much substance in our mouth, which will make it more difficult to perceive the flavor of espresso. Therefore, most coffee shops 'espresso products will also be equipped with a cup of ice water, allowing us to drink it before you can "gargle" to better sense the flavor of this cup of high-concentration coffee!

But! Qianjie does not recommend drinking in large quantities like this! Because ice water itself is very irritating, combined with hot coffee, another temperature extreme, drinking a large amount can easily cause blood vessels in the gastric mucosa to contract, which will increase the burden on the stomach. Therefore, if you want to clean your mouth to better taste coffee, Qianjie still recommends using room temperature water for cleaning. Although the effect is not so outstanding, it still has more health protection for us. After all, the body is the most important thing.

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