Coffee review

Merchants save themselves! Attending an outdoor coffee festival and almost getting sunstroke!

Published: 2024-10-25 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop This weekend, Fuzhou held an outdoor coffee market event, with hundreds of coffee brands participating, attracting a group of enthusiasts to check in and play. It is reported that the local temperature in Fuzhou has reached more than 30 degrees Celsius in the past two days, and the highest temperature at noon even reaches

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This weekend, Fuzhou held an outdoor coffee bazaar, with the participation of hundreds of coffee brands, attracting a large number of enthusiasts to sign in.

It is reported that the local temperature in Fuzhou has reached more than 30 degrees Celsius in the past two days, and the highest temperature has even reached 40 degrees Celsius at noon. Considering that the higher temperatures in outdoor places can easily lead to heatstroke, the organizers have adjusted the coffee market time to 03:30 to 09:30, so that tourists can better experience the activities.

The scene was as crowded as the organizers had expected, and the young people walking together discussed with laughter, and there were long queues in front of many popular stalls. In the relatively cool evening, more people seemed to play, and the band performance arranged on the spot added a warm atmosphere to the summer night carnival.

However, some merchants complained about the arrangement of the coffee festival. According to their feedback, the organizers were divided into two parts: the infield and the outfield according to the event site. The infield is close to the mall, as long as the door of the mall is open and the air-conditioning is full of wind, you can share some of it with outdoor stalls to cool down passers-by.

The stalls that can be placed in the outfield will not be able to enjoy the air-conditioning of the mall, and there are ice makers, freezers and other electrical appliances that will radiate heat outward in the small space. For baristas working behind their desks, the makeshift stall is akin to a sauna, drenched through the day and possibly suffering from heatstroke from prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

For the hot weather, the organizers arranged for the staff to dry the water and set up fans in the outfield, but these cooling measures had little effect, and merchants reported that they could not alleviate the heat caused by the high temperature at all. An unbearably hot stall owner bought his own baffle and renovated the open workshop so that he could hide in the hot weather with the shop assistants to turn on the air conditioner for the summer.

Many merchants said that because the weather was too hot, most of the guests did not want to get close to the almost unsheltered outfield, but the temperature dropped at night, but because of the lack of lighting in the area, the passenger flow was not much different from that during the day. Most tourists are still concentrated in the infield where they can both watch the show and blow into the air conditioner.

On the other hand, tourists also have some opinions about the event. Some people reported that the guidelines for the activities were not clearly marked, and the site of the activities was in disorder. In the view of some people, the high outdoor temperature is not conducive to food storage, but also easy to lead to fruit, milk and other raw materials deteriorate, there are certain food safety risks.

Based on this, both tourists and stall owners are dissatisfied with the time of this activity. They said that holding outdoor activities at a temperature close to 40 degrees Celsius without a corresponding heat prevention and cooling plan will make people who play and work outdoors for a long time have the risk of heatstroke and greatly reduce the sense of experience of the activities. it also makes it difficult to stay in a good mood to taste drinks made by baristas.

Picture from: little Red Book

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