Coffee review

Takeout has been stolen many times, and the tea shop has specially made a "condemnation poster"!

Published: 2024-10-25 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, Zhejiang Economic Television received a report from netizens that a poster with some special content had been posted in front of a local tea and beverage shop. Judging from the pictures provided by netizens, this eye-catching poster more than one meter wide does not promote their own products, but condemns the theft of takeout food.

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Recently, Zhejiang Economic Vision received a report from netizens that a poster with some special content had been posted at the door of a local tea shop.

Judging from the pictures provided by netizens, the eye-catching poster, which is more than one meter wide, is not to promote our own products, but to condemn the theft of takeout, with the words "is lemon tea good? delicious! please pay for it", "Please don't pretend to be a takeout clerk and bring up the customer", along with a back picture of the thief.

It is understood that since mid-late June, orders made in this tea shop have been taken away from time to time by people dressed as takeout clerks. At first it was only one or two cups, but then the situation of stolen takeout intensified. Recently, four drinks were stolen from the store, resulting in a loss of more than 100 yuan.

The shopkeeper said in an interview that he had called the police because of this, but the store surveillance only caught the back and behavior of the thieves, but not the front, so there was nothing the police could do. In desperation, the shopkeeper made the poster and posted it on June 27 to deter the habitual thief.

In fact, the effect of posters has been obvious for half a month, and there has been no more takeout theft in stores recently. However, on the day of the reporter's interview, the poster had been removed. The clerk explained that the property thought that the behavior of the store had affected the appearance of the city and asked them not to display the "condemnation poster".

After a visit, the reporter learned that many tea shops have had takeout orders stolen. Employees said that although when guests and riders pick up meals, according to the work flow, they will check the order number with each other before giving drinks, but when it comes to the explosion of orders in stores and understaffing, everyone is busy making drinks. Most of the thieves will take advantage of the opportunity to take the order by pretending to be riders.

As a result, restaurants that eat will be targeted by thieves, and several takeout orders may be stolen in a month, and some tea shops may even steal more than a dozen drinks a day.

In the face of this situation, most tea shop operators are very helpless. The economic loss caused by the stolen takeout is small, the police is a waste of time and energy, and it may not be able to effectively reduce takeout behavior, so shopkeepers generally do not choose to report to the police after learning that takeout has been stolen, but ask the shop assistant to remake it.

However, shopkeepers will still feel angry when they eat too much, so some tea shops will put up condemnation posters, notices and other ways to scare off thieves, hoping to improve the situation of takeout theft and reduce the economic losses of the stores.

After understanding the shopkeeper's helplessness, most netizens supported the shopkeeper to expose takeout by "condemning posters", saying that this can not only deter thieves, but also give a reminder to nearby peers. However, some people pointed out that the words in the posters were too intense and a bit directed at the takeout group, saying that shopkeepers should pay attention to the words they used when making posters, rather than killing a group of people with a stick.

Picture from: Internet

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