Coffee review

Reserve your seat for 15 minutes! Starbucks introduces new rules to prevent occupancy!

Published: 2024-10-25 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Recently, according to China Times News Network, a female customer recently visited Starbucks to work and found that half of the seats in the store had only personal belongings, but no one was on the seats. Among them, there were 3 double tables with no one else, and there were no meals on the tables, only

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Recently, when a female customer came to the Starbucks office, she found that half of the seats in the store had only personal belongings, but no one was on the seat, Zhongshi News reported recently. Among them, there are three table for two, there is no one at the table, there are no meals on the table, only a few examination papers.

So the female customer took the examination paper to the counter to "lost and found", and the shop assistant immediately arranged his seat so that the guest could be seated smoothly. After the owner of the "lost property" learned that the examination paper was kept by the shop assistant, several people found that they failed to occupy the space and left directly.

Recently, due to the hot weather, some Starbucks stores have frequent phenomena such as air-conditioning and seizing seats with personal belongings, so that consumers who really need seats have nowhere to sit. As a result, the post received a lot of likes after it was posted on the social platform, and netizens said the customer was very happy and said bluntly that he had "learned".

However, while everyone can follow the example of this woman to dispose of the placeholder's personal belongings to get their seats, most netizens still hope that the brand can take effective measures to reduce such behavior, instead of letting guests handle it on their own every time.

As a result, a netizen noticed a notice in a Starbucks store yesterday, saying that due to the limited seats in the store, if guests are waiting for the needs of fellow friends, the seat retention time is limited to 15 minutes, and when the seats are full, partners will take the initiative to assist in table-sharing service.

Netizens who posted the announcement were surprised, saying that "Starbucks is finally going to face up to the problem of space occupation." Most people support this decision, hoping to improve the shortage of seats in the store from then on, so that consumers can have a seat after entering the store. But some people worry that the announcement is only a special rule of a store and does not apply to all stores in Taiwan.

In this regard, according to the "ETtoday News Cloud" reported that Starbucks confirmed that the content of the announcement is the new policy of offline stores, and the detailed rules are subject to the contents of each store announcement. In addition, the official added that at present, stores will choose whether or not to post notices to remind customers of entering the store according to the actual situation, so not all stores can see the notice of "reserved seats for limited time".

Starbucks has received too many complaints about non-consumer occupancy, and the store image has had a certain impact, so officials have posted notices in order to provide customers with the best experience, using warm reminders to protect customer rights and interests.

But some people's concerns have not been diminished by the new official rules. They think that a piece of paper can have a limited effect on customer behavior. Even if the shop assistant comes forward to coordinate or persuade the guests to leave, the unconscious people will not leave when they sit down, and may even cause noise and complaints from these people.

Therefore, some netizens suggested that Xing Buck might as well set the threshold for seating or minimum consumption, and extend the new rules to all stores, using rigid rules to reduce the occupancy behavior in the store, and at the same time ensure that the clerk can provide better service to users.

Picture from: Internet

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