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Hot search! Tea brand Bawang Tea Ji announced the ID number of the departing employee!

Published: 2024-10-26 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/26, ▲ Click to pay attention| At noon today, the daily boutique coffee culture magazine Coffee Workshop, the topic of #Woman claims to have been publicized after leaving the Overlord Tea Girl #became a hot search on multiple platforms. Soon, the incident attracted widespread attention on the Internet. Discussion. Comprehensive media reports such as Star Video, on July 14,

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At noon today, the # woman said that the related topic of the announcement # after her departure from the overlord Tea Concubine was popular on several platforms, and soon the incident aroused widespread attention and discussion on the Internet.

According to a number of media reports, including Comprehensive Star Video, on July 14, a netizen in Zhoukou, Henan Province, posted a video on a social platform saying that after leaving her job as a tea brand, she found that her ID card number had been posted and announced that she had been suppressed by the store manager while on the job.

Through the video screenshot released by the netizen, we can see that a "May announcement of Tea my Concubine" was posted in the store in Yifeng Square, Fugou, directly listing her name and ID card number, but also pointing out that (the employee) violated company regulations many times, causing adverse effects. After the study of the company, it will be dismissed and blocked, and it will not be allowed to engage in the work related to the overlord Tea Ji within three years. The date of registration is May 25, that is, shortly after her departure.

The woman was shocked and angry at the company's practice of publicizing information. She pointed out that she had been suppressed by the store manager during her tenure, but did not expect to be treated like this after leaving her job.

The woman said that after learning about the notice, she immediately contacted the former store, which said that the notice had been posted for only one hour and that it was for the supervisor to see.

The woman said she could not accept this explanation and asked why she had been posted in a notice with her ID number on it when she had already left the company. In the face of the woman's query, the store manager replied like this: "if you want to go to the branch office, don't tell me."

At present, under the official accounts of several platforms, the overlord Tea Ji has been brushed down a number of comments by netizens with the "public ID number" incident.

As the incident spread widely on the Internet, this morning, some media contacted the staff of the overlord Tea Ji Zhoukou Fugou Yifeng Square Store, who claimed that the employee who sent the video had been complained because of a dispute with the customers. the purpose of the announcement is to appease the customers. the ID card information above is false, made up by the store manager on a whim, not the outgoing employee himself, and the notice has never been posted. I didn't know where to throw it the day I printed it out.

Subsequently, a reporter contacted the staff of the store involved, who claimed that the company had intervened to deal with the situation, the specific situation was still under investigation, and a notice would be issued later. As the matter is still in the process of fermentation, the store manager has been suspended.

In response to the practice of the store manager in the incident, many netizens also questioned whether it would not constitute an invasion of other people's privacy to publish other people's identity card numbers and other information without their consent.

In fact, the publication of ID card information does not infringe upon privacy, but infringes on personal information, and the company's behavior is indeed inappropriate. On January 1, 2021, the Civil Code was formally implemented, one of the highlights is the special provisions on the protection of personal information. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the handling of personal information should follow the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity, and should not be overhandled, and the consent of the natural person or his guardian should be obtained.

Picture from: network screenshot

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