Coffee review

What is the difference between the safety filter cup and the V60? Will the wooden filter cup taste wood when washed out? How to make deep-roasted coffee beans?

Published: 2024-10-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, Today, while Qianjie was sorting out a small corner of the store, he found a special but very niche filter cup. Although this passage sounds very niche, it is the case! The name of this filter cup is "Anqing Filter Cup" and it is produced by the well-known Yamanaka Lacquer Wood Factory in Kaga, Japan. So today, Qianjie will come to divide it

Today, when I was tidying up the small corner of the store in Qianjie, I found a special but minority filter cup. Although this passage sounds very niche, it is true!

The name of this filter cup is "Anqing filter cup". It is produced by the well-known Yamanaka lacquer wood factory in Kaga, Japan. So let's come to Qianjie today to share what is special about this minority filter cup.

What is so special about the Anqing filter cup? The first special point is the material! The material of the filter cup is different from the common filter cups, like our common tapered, flat-bottomed and fan-shaped filter cups are mostly made of ceramic, resin, metal, glass and other materials, while the filter cup is made of pure wood, which is its first special point. Although it is made of pure wood, it is not as rough as we imagined, the feel is smooth and round, and it is very light, it is enough to see that the production process is very excellent!

Secondly, we can see from the wall of this filter cup that the texture of the wood is in a longitudinal form. This means that when making it, the carpenter uses the longitudinal sampling process!

Conventional wood will be made with wood cut horizontally, so that a piece of wood can produce more wood, utensils can also be made larger, and because it is directly cut off the wood fiber, it will be more convenient. But the disadvantage is that it can not make high-depth utensils, and the longitudinal drawing process can not only make the texture on the wood more beautiful, but also make the utensils not easy to deform and have a longer service life! The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is more expensive, because the wood is harder and the workmanship will be more difficult. Because of this, its price will also be a little higher. Finally, there is the rib design of the filter cup! Generally speaking, the rib design of filter cup is mainly divided into two types, diversion and water lock! Diversion ribs play the role of dredging channels for hot water, so that they have more flow channels, so that blockage will not occur easily in the process of extraction (it is also related to the size and number of holes). The ribs with water locking performance mainly slow down the falling speed of hot water and keep the water level horizontal at the same time! For example, the Anqing filter cup can make the hot water in the high place go to the other side along the loop, thus making the extraction more uniform!

The reason why it is special is that the Anqing filter cup is a tapered filter cup! Tapered filter cups with water-locking ribs are very rare and are generally dominated by diversion bones. As a result, the Anqing filter cup is very slow, which is more suitable for brewing deep-roasted coffee. In addition to the all-wood filter cup, Yamanaka lacquer ware also makes an Qing filter cup with lacquer surface, but the price will be twice as high as this one! Then, let's brew a pot of deep-roasted coffee from Qianjie to see what kind of performance this clear filter cup will bring to us.

Since the Anqing filter cup is so special in the brewing experiment, the hand flushing pot used in this experiment is also more special, it is a drip water injection artifact-crane mouth pot! Although the three-stage type is still used, and the coffee beans used are Jamaica Blue Mountain one, the cooking data are as follows: amount of powder: 20g grinding scale: Ek43 11 grinding scale, No. 20 sieve screening rate 70% powder-water ratio: 1:15 (300ml) boiling water temperature: 88 °C so first, let's pour two cups of 40ml hot water into the powder for 30 seconds of steaming!

After the steaming is over, we inject 140ml hot water in a small flow around a large circle, and then wait for the water level to drop!

When the water level drops so that you can see the bottom powder bed, we inject the remaining 120ml hot water in the form of a large current around a small circle and wait for the infiltration to end!

It took 2 minutes and 15 seconds to finish the extraction. We remove the filter cup, then shake it and pour it out!

The blue mountain washed out with an Qing type filter cup is very mellow, not only chocolate, nuts and other flavors are well shown, but also have a high back sweet, the acidity is round and soft, very comfortable. It is worth mentioning that the woody flavor of the filter cup itself is not added to the coffee, of course, it does not rule out that it has been put for a long time, the taste has dissipated.

But in the process of use, Qianjie found that the Anqing filter cup has a disadvantage! That is, it can not fit well with the filter paper, either the upper part of the filter cup and the filter paper can not fit, or the bottom hole position can not fit with the filter paper. In short, there must be a place that can not fit! But it will not have a big impact on cooking, so this manual defect can be ignored!

When we use the clear filter cup, we must do a good job of protection, because it is a wooden appliance, so we pay great attention to maintenance! The official manual also has special notes: please do not put filter cups in extreme environments such as dishwashers, dryers, microwaves, refrigerators, etc., and do not expose them to the sun. In short, avoid exposure to extreme temperatures. In addition, when cleaning, you can not use steel balls and other easy to damage wooden surface cleaning tools, sponge cloth is the most appropriate choice! Finally, the official also gave an eye-catching word: if you are careful, it will shine on your life ~ it can be said to be very sweet!