Coffee review

Encountered the strongest typhoon in 1975! No one can stop Shanghainese from drinking coffee!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Sure enough, typhoons always prefer weekends and holidays, and this Mid-Autumn Festival is no exception. In the past two days, Typhoon "Beibijia" has landed on the coast of Lingang New City, Pudong, Shanghai at a strong typhoon level, becoming the strongest typhoon to land in Shanghai since 1949. September 15

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Sure enough, typhoons always prefer weekends and holidays, and this Mid-Autumn Festival is no exception.

In the past two days, Typhoon Bebica made landfall on the coast of Lingang New City, Pudong, Shanghai with a strong typhoon, making it the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Shanghai since 1949. On September 15, the Shanghai Flood Control headquarters also issued a safety warning that citizens are advised not to go out unless necessary during typhoons. In this way, in order to deal with the strongest typhoon "Bei Bei Jia", everyone rushed to fight a defensive battle against the clock before the typhoon came.

After a sweep of "baby plus", the wind and rain finally decreased in the afternoon, and some areas stopped raining and turned overcast, but the road was full of signs of being ravaged by typhoons, leaves and branches falling in the torrential rain and winds all over the streets, and even many green plants were uprooted, and citizens were busy repairing the broken sore brought by "Babe Jia". There are still many sanitation workers on the side of the road in charge of cleaning.

Generally speaking, during the passage of a typhoon, everyone will carefully arrange their trip, and it is best to stay at home and enjoy the food prepared in advance. But this is Mudu, a city with ridiculously high coffee concentration. If you have a coffee maker or other brewing equipment at home, you can always make a cup to satisfy your cravings, but people without machines will not have the luck to drink it. I have to go out and find someone to make it.

This is not, as soon as the rain decreases, and it is a good holiday, the first thing I do when I go out, of course, is to drink coffee. Allah Shanghainese have long been unable to resist the desire for caffeine, wearing slippers, holding umbrellas and holding the dog with the keys, they rushed to the store near home for a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

The bosses on the other side also seem to see eye to eye. Although "baby plus" has not yet completely left Shanghai and the sky is still drizzling, in the face of regular customers who want to drink coffee, they have long gone to the store to pull up the floodgates and adjust the concentration in advance.

Many local netizens in Shanghai also found that after the typhoon, the first coffee shop opened, the one crowded with customers was the coffee shop, and it was the coffee shop that stood a bunch of takeout boys and so on. Even before some bosses were ready to start early, everyone lined up cleverly outside the door.

In addition to the full scene of independent cafes, Shanghai people's love for chain brands should not be underestimated.

The typhoon has just stopped, and some Manner have lined up to bring their own cups.

Because they have to go to the toilet, some workers face a single report of 43 cups in Ruixing.

There are also Mstand "destiny people" on guard alone, not only to resist typhoons, but also to order coffee.

There are also contestants who want coffee so much that takeout cannot be delivered, and they have to drive to Starbucks in the face of dozens of strong winds.

There is no doubt that Shanghainese love coffee. If on social media, yell, "what is the typhoon queen doing?" Shanghainese must either answer you that they are drinking coffee or walking around gai on their way to have coffee.

Picture from: network screenshot

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