Coffee review

No physical performance! Coffee shops have become popular!

Published: 2024-10-25 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, the menu light sign hanging at the door of a limited pop-up coffee shop in Shanghai attracted many passers-by to watch. Many people were shocked that a cup of "Fun Yulania Latte" was actually 359 yuan. They were also curious about the amount of coffee produced by this brand coffee pop-up shop.

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Recently, a menu sign hanging at the door of a limited pop-up coffee shop in Shanghai attracted many passers-by. Many people were shocked by the fact that a cup of "interesting Magnolia latte" was 359 yuan. They also wondered how the coffee produced by this brand coffee pop-up shop was so different that it caused a large number of fans to line up to buy it.

The coffee pop-up shop was opened by British toy brand Jellycat, which has been popular with toy lovers around the world, the Xinmin Evening News reported. Its plush toys are well received and limited models make fans spend a lot of money.

But this time Jellycat opens the coffee flash shop in Shanghai, in the view of many people should be a cross-border attempt of the brand. However, as long as you check into the store, you will find that this "coffee shop", which adopts the reservation system and whose admission qualification has been hyped to more than 400 yuan, is not the "coffee shop" in the public impression.

It is reported that although the Jellycat flash store has the name of a "coffee shop", it actually sells all kinds of cute plush toys instead of delicious meals. The "369 yuan cup flavor latte" mentioned at the beginning is actually a limited toy in the shape of a coffee cup, which can not provide consumers with a taste experience.

Customers who came to buy said that if they placed an order for a latte, coffee animation would appear on the electronic screen of the "coffee machine" placed in the store. When the animation is over, the clerk on the side will take out a coffee cup toy, "milk the cream" in front of the guest, "simply process" and tell the guest that "the latte is finished" and hand the packaged toy into the customer's hand.

This operation is very much like a childhood family in the eyes of most onlookers, and some people will be confused about it and find it difficult to accept the shop assistants' embarrassing performance, but loyal fans have long been familiar with it. They will even actively cooperate with the shop assistants to complete this exaggerated and interesting performance.

Fans say that no matter what kind of plush toys they buy, the staff at the scene will pack for consumers in the way of scene simulation, which purely depends on the store clerk's sense of performance packaging has become a "brand feature" of Jellycat.

Many fans said that although they would feel a little embarrassed while watching, they would also be amused by the employees' solemn and cute appearance and reap pleasure from the dramatic performance.

Although it is the brand's characteristic packaging service, and some fans come to the store to enjoy the clerk's performance, many netizens still feel that they only feel "full of embarrassment" and do not understand. After watching the video of the shop assistant pretending to milk cream, some people teased "can we also pretend to pay" and "the world is a huge show".

In addition, after learning that some users spent thousands on these plush toys, some netizens said bluntly that instead of spending hundreds of yuan on a latte-shaped plush toy to play with in their hands, it would be better to go to the cafe along the street to drink a few cups of real coffee and give their taste senses a little real satisfaction.

Picture from: Internet

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