Coffee review

Ruixing Coffee will be completely removed from the market for American beer. Workers: Don't leave until you get drunk!

Published: 2024-10-22 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Recently, due to the comprehensive release of Ruixing's products from the market, migrant workers from many places across the country have begun to pour materials into Sanlian ponds again. In July this year, Lucky teamed up with the classic animation "Roar in Heaven" to launch a limited new product "Triumph Maimai Series", which is on the market.

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Recently, as Lucky's products are completely off the market, workers from many places across the country have begun to pour materials into the Sanlian pool again.

In July this year, Ruixing launched a limited new product "Triumph Wheat Series" in conjunction with the classic animation "wreaking havoc in Heaven". When it went on sale, it was once on the Weibo hot search list with the entry # Lucky Beer #, and the new product has become a hot topic.

According to the official propaganda of Ruixing, this series of products, "non-alcoholic beer containing 90ml", is another major wine flavor product after Maotai latte and hot red wine American style. The so-called "no alcohol", Ruixing introduces the use of vacuum low-pressure distillation technology, the degree of alcohol per cup is lower than 0.5%vol. "

Although the selling point of "adding authentic Beer" attracted many novelty hunters to place orders for tasting during the film promotion, judging from the feedback and complaints from consumers, compared with Ruixing's other flavors this year, this "beer series" really had a mediocre response.

From the perspective of working workers, we can also find that not only the joint coffee can not be sold, but also the surrounding areas that are "free" cannot be given away, and this has led to a large number of materials eventually reduced to the "bottom of the box."

Two days ago, many workers received internal notices one after another, and Lucky finally decided to remove the alcohol-free beer series from the market across the board, that is to say, all beer stocks in all stores had to be destroyed by September 30, that is, yesterday.

Perhaps it is because the news of the removal from the shelves came too suddenly, or it may be due to the previous "miscalculation" of the store managers, they all thought that this "triumphant wheat series" would be very popular, so they bought beer in large quantities, but they never expected that the real response was so mediocre, and the repurchase situation in many stores was not objective, which also led to serious unsalable raw materials in stock.

Many people know that this "beer series" is just one of a large number of products that go up and down the shelves of fast consumer brands like Ruixing every year. For store operators, no matter how many goods are hoarded in the early stage, once the products are announced off the market, all the materials that are too late to be consumed will be scrapped.

In order to hand in their homework in time, not long after closing the shop, they quickly moved out the whole box of raw materials that needed to be reported, stood in front of the triple pool, opened the bottles one by one, and then poured them out until they were all cleaned up.

"has it started yet?" the task of pouring beer seemed to be officially started at an order, and the "wheat juice" in the cans rattled into the sewers, and there was once again a "big scene" of lucky employees huddling down the city to deal with raw materials on social platforms.

With more and more shop assistants issuing "results", then a new wave of sunburn appeared in the comments: "the fingers are going to explode", "the cleaning pool is about to drink and vomit", "Lucky's sewers are full of alcohol tonight", "none of the rats can walk in a straight line tonight", "the canoe has hit Beer Mountain", "get drunk with Sanlianchi" …...

Watching these cans of raw materials poured into the sewers, several employees said that the stores now have to destroy a large number of raw materials, mainly because the cup of beer and coffee made by Lucky's research and development team is "really bad."

In their view, compared with coffee with mainstream dairy products as the selling point, such products, which mainly rely on other drinks to attract the public only by novel tastes, are easy to become unsalable if they do not respond well, so they are more suitable for short-term sales. Otherwise, as soon as consumer enthusiasm dissipates, it will lead to unsalable products, hoarding of raw materials that cannot be consumed, and the situation that these raw materials will be dumped into the sewers after their expiration date.

Picture from: network screenshot

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