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The milk tea shop pulls up a banner to "accuse" the headquarters: selling expired milk caps!

Published: 2024-10-22 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Recently, Wuhan tea brand "Zhencha House" has caused heated discussions on Social networks because of its branch hanging a banner. On September 24, some netizens posted a post on social platforms saying that they passed by the Zhencha House located on the Wuchang Campus of Wuhan Engineering University (

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Recently, Wuhan tea brand "True Tea House" has caused a heated discussion on social networks because of the hanging of a banner in its branch.

On Sept. 24, a netizen posted on the social platform that when he passed the real tea house (Lu Guangdian) on the Wuchang campus of Wuhan Engineering University, he found that the storefront had been closed and was ready to be rented out. However, there was a conspicuous red banner hanging on the door, which read: "the company sells expired cheese milk lids to the store, and the store is fined for various reasons." as a result, the store could not operate normally and was forced to close down. "

After the banner was photographed and posted online, it stirred up thousands of waves with one stone, and many netizens who had visited said, "what's going on?" did the real teahouse collapse when I woke up? " .

In response to questions, the real teahouse responded on the social platform on September 25 that the expired cheese lid referred to by the branch was "a brand milk lid" and that it was the supplier's staff who mistakenly mixed an expired sample into the goods.

On August 12, during the acceptance of the goods, the staff of Lu Guangdian found that the goods had been scrapped immediately and informed the company that the expired milk cap did not enter the market. In the end, the supplier also made a "one-for-ten" compensation for the goods in the branch. In addition, in order to ensure food safety in the future, the real teahouse has suspended cooperation with the suppliers involved and upgraded the warehouse and supply chain system, according to brand officials.

That being the case, why did Lu Guangdian put up such a banner?

In response, the real teahouse responded that the store violated the store management system many times in its daily operation, failed to meet the standards of monthly audit many times, and the company started the closure process of the store. However, in the course of implementation, there were some conflicts between the company's audit department and the store partner, which caused the store partner to make a "fabricated fact" into a banner and hang it in the store. Soon after, the store partner immediately realized the mistake and took down the controversial banner. But it was still photographed and uploaded to the Internet by many passers-by.

In order to find out whether the brand response is true, a reporter (Changjiang Yun News) tried to contact the owner of Lu Guangdian, but the phone was turned off, and then contacted an administrative staff member who claimed to be the headquarters of the real teahouse.

The other party told the reporter that the reason for the closure of Lu Guangdian had nothing to do with the expired samples, and she did not understand why the other side had to fabricate the facts out of thin air. "at that time, the store owner was very satisfied with the results of the handling of the expired samples. Pulling banners is a bit too sudden. Store closures are mainly due to substandard audits and failure to pass comprehensive assessments on service quality, business performance and food safety. Many opportunities have been given, and many rectification attempts have not been improved. "

It is understood that on September 26, the store has completed the transfer, all the equipment in the store has been emptied, there are only a few workers in the cleaning work. A shopkeeper next door revealed, "A new wonton restaurant will be opened here soon."

In the empty store, the store also posted an untorn details of the inspection items, which showed that the store was assessed with a full score of 100 and a failure line of 60; the headquarters implemented a monthly inspection system and gave a comprehensive score to the stores, and the heads of the stores in the bottom three of the monthly rankings will face an interview. In addition, during the contract period, the first failure will be warned, 2 failures will be in-depth interviews, a total of 3 failures, you will have to "donate" 5000 yuan, at the same time close the shop for rectification and study, and the company has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

The inspection project mainly includes four parts: food safety, product standards, hygiene and cleanliness, and store management, each of which is subdivided into a number of specific indicators, and the corresponding scores will be deducted for non-compliance. Some indicators also have corresponding "happy donation" penalties, ranging from 50 yuan to 5000 yuan. For example, if you deliberately conceal the exploitation of raw materials or tamper with the validity period, you need to "donate" 5000 yuan, and if there is food out of date, you need to "donate" 1000 yuan.

Picture from: network screenshot, Yangtze River Cloud News

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