Coffee review

Which coffee beans are suitable for ice hockey? Is black coffee better iced or hot?

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, In order to make a cup of freshly ground coffee comfortably during the National Day holiday, many friends came to the store at the same time to "purchase" and asked Xiangjie about the problems encountered during ordinary brewing. Among them, one guest said: If she likes a bean very much, she will experience it with hot hands and ice hands. she

In order to make a cup of freshly brewed coffee comfortably during the National Day holiday, many friends came to the store to "restock" and asked about the problems encountered in the daily brewing process. One of the guests said:

Usually, if she likes a bean very much, she will experience it in both hot hand flushing and ice hand flushing. She found that some coffee beans can perform well when they are made with hot hands, and their aroma and taste are both online, but once they are made into ice (hand flushing), they will "roll over", except that each taste is not as clear as hot drinks. The overall taste is very weak, and sometimes it even makes people feel like drinking water. Why?

What is the difference between hot flushing and ice flushing with different beans?

In order to get a relatively comprehensive comparison, four types of coffee beans with different styles were selected for hot hand flushing and ice hand flushing extraction, and then compared in three aspects of aroma, flavor and taste.

Shallow baked beans in washing represent: Essekafa Forest

Hot hand coffee: White flowers, lemon aroma is obvious; flavor is sugar orange, honey, grapefruit, caramel tone, high cleanliness, taste as clear as green tea.

Ice hand coffee: the aroma is weak, only a light layer of fruit; the entrance is the sweet and sour flavor of green extract, snow pear juice and green tea, the alcohol thickness is low, the taste is fresh and cold.

Shallow baked beans in the sun representative: Jensen Manor Rose Summer in Panama

Hot hand coffee: it smells intense fruity and red flowers, with flavors of cranberries, grapes, pineapples, oranges, red robes and clear fermented flavors.

Iced hand coffee: the aroma performance is similar to the previous group, the overall smell is weak, mainly citrus aroma; flavor is berries, preserved fruit, pineapple juice, fruit sweet medium, light texture.

Representative of deep baked beans: Indonesian gold Mantenin

Hot hand coffee: aroma is caramel, chocolate; flavor is chocolate, nuts, spices, caramel, very rich aroma; mellow taste.

Iced hand Coffee: roasted nut aroma, the whole is a chocolate, herbal, nut flavor, clean and simple flavor. Manning's mellow taste is not reflected in the ice hand rush.

Fermented coffee representative: Colombian dividing line manor big belly button

Hot hand coffee: it smells like oranges, grapes and almonds. It tastes like citrus, blackcurrant juice, black tea, spices and fermented wine, with bright and solid acidity and rich layers.

Iced hand coffee: the aroma is still obviously fermented, it tastes fresh blueberry, pineapple and dried apricot, and it tastes round, like a cup of chilled plum juice, with a hint of cinnamon after swallowing.

Why is it that coffee tastes good when it is hot, but it is easily tasteless when made with ice?

In fact, a lot of coffee is hot before ice, such as American coffee, which everyone knows, has existed as a hot drink for a long time since its birth, and then gradually came into being with ice in line with the trend. As a representative of trickle extraction, hand flushing is the same, hot hand flushing was born much earlier than ice hand flushing, and the utensils and brewing techniques that appeared in that era also evolved around the form of hot flushing.

Usually, a coffee bean will first determine its flavor characteristics in the form of cup test, and then construct the cooking parameters of hot hand flushing (usually combined with baking degree and treatment method). The production method of ice hand flushing is gradually constructed on the basis of hot flushing.

The most common ice flushing operation is to fine-tune the degree of grinding on the basis of hot flushing, reduce the amount of water injected, and properly adjust the technique to make a high concentration of hot coffee, and then quickly cool it with enough ice cubes, while melting ice cubes into water to reduce the concentration, resulting in a cup of ice drink that is strong and tastes good.

As Qianjie shared the "universal formula" at the beginning of summer, ice cubes = coffee powder (fine grinding) + 10 times hot water + 5 times ice cubes, the ice cubes here are separated from the total injection volume of the original hot hand flushing (powder / water ratio 1:15). In other words, ice replaced part of the hot water that should have washed the powder layer, and then was separated separately, so it did not participate in the coffee extraction process.

When the amount of water injected decreases, the extraction range of coffee narrows, and the substances concentrated in the latter section may end the water injection before they can be released, and these are the main components that show sweetness, mellow thickness and aftertaste. This also leads to a gap between the final flavor performance and hot hand flushing.

Through the above comparison, we can see that no matter which group of coffee, the aroma performance of hot hand is more full, and the complexity, hierarchy, fruit sweetness and solidity of flavor are also stronger than that of ice flushing. The deep-baked beans, which mainly show caramel aroma, mellow thickness, balance and sweet taste, are overshadowed by ice flushing.

However, ice hand flushing has an absolute advantage, that is, the ice taste is superimposed on the original coffee flavor, which is an important reason why many people can't give up ice drink. Imagine how comfortable it would be to have a cool drink with a strong aroma on a hot afternoon.

For this reason, we can use the advantage of ice hand to select suitable coffee beans. For example, medium-shallow roasted coffee is mainly floral and fruity, and the iced coffee is often slightly lighter. At this time, we can give priority to the sun or fermented beans, so that it not only has a strong fruity or sweet and sour layer, but also clean and light tonality.