Coffee review

The milk balls that customers buy from the coffee shop are actually from McDonald's?!

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily boutique coffee culture magazine When the coffee shop orders takeout daily, it will occasionally find that the delivery fee is short of one or two yuan. At times like this, most people would buy some snacks, add a bag of sugar or milk balls in the store to make up the order. Recently, in order to make up for a full reduction, a consumer placed an order from coffee.

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Every day, when I order takeout, I occasionally find that there is a shortfall of one or two yuan for delivery. At times like this, most people buy snacks in the store, add a bag of sugar or milk balls to make up a bill.

Recently, in order to fill the order, a consumer bought a 1.5 yuan Nestle milk ball from a coffee shop when placing an order. After receiving the takeout, out of curiosity, the customer tore off the takeout label on the milk ball and found that the so-called "Nestle milk ball" had McDonald's brand logo on it.

Usually, when consumers buy black coffee at McDonald's, the clerk will give them a milk ball and a sugar bag for customers to adjust the taste of the coffee according to their own taste. For some customers who often drink black coffee, every time they buy McDonald's drinks, they will always leave milk balls and sugar bags that they do not need, and they will accumulate a lot over time.

Therefore, when the user found that he had bought the McDonald's milk ball from a coffee shop, he could not help but wonder whether the merchant had "purchased" directly from McDonald's stores and sold himself the free milk balls he had accumulated every day.

This situation reminds many netizens of some phenomena they have seen in fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and KFC. Some customers ask the clerk for more coffee accessories such as sugar packets and milk balls because of their personal taste preferences. Of course, there is no shortage of people who will come to the store to ask for it and bring the extra coffee accessories home for a rainy day.

This kind of fleece behavior is common, and even customers only buy a cup of coffee but ask for more than a dozen milk balls, which virtually increases the operating costs of the store. Therefore, in recent years, KFC, Pizza Hut and other fast food restaurants gradually cancel the free supply of milk balls, sugar bags, mixing bars and other coffee accessories, in order to reduce the cost of raw materials, but also to a certain extent avoid unnecessary waste.

However, McDonald's has not issued relevant regulations or announcements to restrict the supply of coffee accessories, and consumers can still choose whether to ask the clerk for more milk balls and sugar bags according to their own needs. As a result, when some people saw the posters receiving McDonald's milk balls from other coffee shops, they could not help thinking that the shopkeeper might have sold the free milk balls they had hoarded to customers.

However, some netizens do not agree with the customer's guess that his idea is not valid. They posted "McDonald's identical milk balls" searched on an online shopping platform, pointing out that some raw materials will sell such products with the brand logo. From this point of view, the shopkeeper may not "restock" at a McDonald's offline store as speculated, but chose this kind of brand-specific milk balls when purchasing raw materials.

However, sharp-eyed people point out that although it is impossible to determine through the appearance whether the dairy balls sold by the store are obtained for free from offline stores or purchased on their own, it is certain that the "Nestle milk ball" labeled by the shopkeeper is wrong. Because according to the packaging information, this should be a coffee milk ball from Wei Ji!

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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