Coffee review

Name it Luoyang Hot Soup! Luoyang people: I don't dare to drink!

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, Dahe Daily reported that a local coffee shop in Luoyang had launched a coffee called "Luoyang Hu Spicy Soup", attracting many netizens who like freshness to check in and try it. It is understood that this Hu La Tang coffee is mixed with coffee concentrate and Dukang.

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Recently, Dahe Daily reported that a local cafe in Luoyang has launched a coffee called Luoyang Huli Tang, attracting many netizens who like freshness to try to sign in.

It is understood that this hot soup coffee is made of coffee concentrate, Dukang, white pepper, beef jerky and more than 30 kinds of seasonings, although the price of a single cup is 68 yuan and many people complain that "one cup can hold eight bowls of chili soup." but there are still a lot of people who come to the store to try.

Some customers who have tried it think that the taste of the drink is very special, and it does taste like hot soup, magical and interesting. The owner who designed the drink said that they made the coffee special with Hu hot soup as a creative template, hoping to make customers feel Luoyang's cuisine culture in this way.

However, many Luoyang netizens shied away when they saw the drink, saying, "Luoyang people can't drink this thing", "locals never drink that coffee and spicy soup," and "We don't touch this thing from Luoyang." Some people say that "this boundary does not have to be crossed". The CP made of huli soup and coffee is really too curious, so that people are directly persuaded to quit just by name, which is not very acceptable.

On the other hand, some locals think that it is slightly inappropriate for the store to directly use "Luoyang Hu spicy soup" to name the drink.

Local people say that chili soup is a common and well-known snack in Henan province. Although the practice of chili soup varies from place to place, it has its own characteristics, not necessarily with a lot of white pepper and beef jerky in every place. Although the store's drink is inspired by the hot soup in the public impression, it does not represent the local characteristic of Luoyang.

Therefore, in the view of some Luoyang netizens, this "Luoyang Hu hot soup" coffee may mislead non-local tourists who do not understand the pepper soup. "I think it is better not to mislead outsiders under the banner of Luoyang Hu spicy soup," and "non-local friends must not believe it. This is not chili soup" and "when Luoyang's favorite is white pepper."

In recent years, some baristas have designed creative drinks based on local delicacies and snacks to make store menus have more distinctive features, and to enable non-local enthusiasts to learn about local food culture through the trend of coffee. However, when designing drinks, some baristas may not be locals and do not have a deep understanding of local traditional cuisine, so it is difficult for the coffee special condiments to be recognized by the locals.

Although this "Luoyang Huli soup" will make curious people wonder what happened, in the eyes of the local people, this kind of drink "has only its name and no soul" and cannot accurately reflect the essence of delicious food. It may also mislead tourists who have come a long way to look for delicious food, which has the opposite effect in promoting local traditional snacks.

Picture from: Internet

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