Coffee review

Brazil is about to resume daylight saving time! Lower electricity prices and reduce coffee production costs

Published: 2024-10-20 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/20, According to Brazilian media reports, the Brazilian Minister of Mines and Energy recently said at a press conference that Brazil will likely resume the implementation of daylight saving time by the end of this year. However, the government has not yet made a final decision on this, but if the current severe drought situation is not improved within a few days, the government will resume daylight saving time.

According to Brazilian media reports, the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil said at a recent press conference that Brazil may resume the daylight saving time system by the end of this year, but the government has not made a final decision on this yet. however, if the current severe drought is not improved in the next few days, the government will restore the daylight saving time system, which will begin in November at the earliest.

Recently, Brazil has been affected by the fire. It was reported earlier that about 5 million square kilometers were affected and 60% of the land area was affected. Even now, fires still break out in some areas. It is reported that recently, a fire broke out in a forest in the MACICO DA TIJUCA area of Rio de Janeiro state, resulting in a ban on some roads in the state.

Due to the dry weather, there has been no obvious rainfall in Brazil recently. According to the Brazilian Natural disaster Monitoring and early warning Center, 1188 cities in Brazil have had no obvious rainfall for 90 consecutive days, and some cities have recorded no rainfall for more than 130th consecutive days.

Due to the serious drought and fire problems in Brazil, the water levels of major reservoirs in Brazil are at a very low level, many rivers have shrunk sharply, and large areas of river beds have been exposed, and the navigation of some inland rivers has been hindered. The surrounding lakes have seriously dried up and the lake surface has shrunk substantially.

The worst is the Amazon, where the water level of the rio Negro River is as low as 12.68m in the city of Manaus,Amazonas, the capital of the Amazon state. This figure broke the water level record (12.7 meters) set on October 26 last year and reached the lowest level in 122 years. The Negro is the largest tributary on the north bank of the Amazon. In Brazil, its basin covers an area of more than 1300 square kilometers and is a very important river in Brazil. At present, the historic drought has affected the lives of 747600 people in the state, and all cities in the state are in a state of emergency.

At the same time, Brazil's hydropower generation has fallen sharply, which may not be able to meet the annual summer peak demand, so the government recently raised the domestic electricity surcharge. According to Brazil's National Centre for Natural disaster Monitoring and early warning (Cemaden), Brazil is experiencing its biggest hydropower crisis in 74 years, and the water storage capacity of Brazil's major hydropower plants is the lowest since records began in 1950.

As a result, in September, the Brazilian government began to evaluate alternatives to saving electricity in the event of a severe drought, the most important of which is the daylight saving time system. It is understood that the Brazilian daylight saving time system is a system that artificially prescribes time to save energy.

The time used during the implementation of this system is called "daylight saving time". Generally, in the summer when the sunshine is long, the time is artificially advanced by one hour, that is, the time zone in Brazil is UTC-3, and during the implementation of daylight saving time, the time is adjusted to UTC-2 ‌ 4. This system can make people go to bed early and get up early, effectively reduce the amount of lighting, make full use of lighting resources, and save electricity for lighting. Previously, Brazil ended from November to February of the following year, but the Brazilian government abolished the system in 2019 and did not intend to restart it until recently.

For this system, some people in the coffee industry agree that the cost of the coffee industry has risen because of the current drought, and the coffee industry is very dependent on electricity, and the rising electricity bill has also led to a rise in costs. As daylight saving time extends the daytime, farmers and workers have more natural light time to work, which helps to improve work efficiency and production progress. Secondly, daylight saving time has a certain impact on coffee market trade, because to a certain extent, saving energy is beneficial to the sustainable development of Brazil's coffee industry, especially under the current background of drought and high temperature affecting coffee production. Energy conservation can slow down the pressure of rising costs. As it can indirectly reduce production costs, it may have a positive impact on the price of coffee and enhance the competitiveness of Brazilian coffee in the global market.

However, people in the coffee industry believe that the government should give priority to water resources. Brazil's current drought, fire and lack of rainfall and water resources have a serious impact on the flowering period of coffee in the new production season. Coffee production is expected to decline by 6.8%. It has not improved by the end of the year, and production will continue to decline.

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