Coffee review

I had no choice! Ruixing employees ask customers for good reviews?!

Published: 2024-10-19 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, many Lucky users have reported that when they go to the store to pick up meals, employees who have always been silent will ask customers to move their fingers and give them a good review. This is not uncommon in the catering service industry. After all, customer evaluations are often linked to employee salaries, because

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Recently, many lucky users reported that when they went to the store to pick up food, the staff who had always been silent asked the guests to move their fingers to give a good comment. This is not uncommon in the catering service industry, after all, customer reviews are often linked to employees' salaries, so it is not difficult to understand that shop assistants want to be praised by consumers.

However, lucky clerks seem to take the trouble to make the same request to every customer who enters the store to pick up their meals. some customers who are asked are dissatisfied with this kind of "employees force praise" and say bluntly, "grab people to give praise." bored to death! can you complain to 12315? " .

They believe that customer evaluation belongs to the right of consumers, whether to give praise is also the freedom of guests, it is difficult to understand Lucky shop assistant's behavior of asking customers to give praise. In response, Lucky employees hastened to leave a message to explain that they did not want to ask customers for praise, but had no choice but to do so.

According to employees, Rui Lucky has an internal "thousands of smiles" competition for store reviews, which is rewarded and criticized through the ranking of stores in different regions. In previous years, stores will not be required to participate in the competition, and stores will decide whether to participate or not according to their own depth.

But this year is different. Stores in some areas are required by the management to participate in the competition, and regional managers will also pay close attention to the good reviews of the stores. Once they accidentally become the lowest, all the staff of the stores will have to be criticized. Employee performance will also be affected to a certain extent.

Based on this, the employees of these stores who are forced to participate in the competition can only try their best to win more praise, such as asking for praise from customers, finding good-talking regular customers to help brush comments, and so on, so as to achieve daily praise KPI and avoid becoming the lowest in praise rate.

Workers say bluntly that if they are consumers, they will be tired of asking for praise, so on weekdays most people will not take the initiative to ask for praise, just hope that they will not receive bad reviews from customers. But now being highly rated impels them to do things they are reluctant to do, and many people resist and complain incessantly.

"when I eat, I don't want to say a word more. I'm already very tired at work. I have to do this kind of activity."A shop with an order of more than 100 people asks for 20 favorable reviews a day, and the society is afraid to go crazy." as an employee, I hate it, too. I'm bored to death every day.

Some employees pointed out that if you give a reason and occasionally ask for praise once or twice, the guests are basically willing to cooperate. But over a long period of time, the behavior of asking for praise will lead to customer boredom, so they will lift a stone and drop it on their own feet. If they don't get a good comment, they will get a bad comment with a content of "good praise".

After a week of good reviews, many stores simply put them to pieces and completely give up maintaining a good-looking number. However, there are also stores that have to maintain a sufficient amount of praise due to the requirements of the management, and perhaps by the end of the year, workers will have to use the clip sound to ask customers, "can you give me a good comment?"

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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