Coffee review

There is no such store! The color of tea in this house disappeared overnight!

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, ▲ Click to pay attention| The daily boutique coffee culture magazine coffee workshop holiday has just ended. Many milk tea brands that are popular among consumers have doubled their store turnover in just 7 days, making working people so tired that they just want to fall to the ground and fall asleep. However, some customers also found that some milk tea shops were quietly closed towards the end of the holiday

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Just after the holiday, many popular milk tea brands doubled their store turnover in just seven days, making workers so tired that they just wanted to fall asleep. However, some customers found that some milk tea shops closed quietly towards the end of the holiday.

Recently, a Chongqing netizen on the social platform posted that a tea restaurant near his home was still open for business yesterday night, and when it passed by the next day, the store had changed greatly and all the overhead lights had been removed, as if the lights I saw yesterday were a dream.

The sudden closure of the shop caught the regulars nearby by surprise. According to netizens, the pleasant tea face located in Chongqing Yuanyang business district is the first store in Yubei region, with long opening time and stable quality control. Regular patronage users said that the store usually does not need to wait in line for a long time, as long as the order is placed in advance, they can get drinks without a "penalty station" at the store, which is very convenient for them.

However, now there is no such store in the official Mini Program. According to the news of the amorous welfare group, the reason for the closure should be that the contract expires and the brand does not intend to renew the lease and withdraw it, which regular customers around feel regret and regret.

However, veteran fans who know something about the brand are not surprised by the sudden change. They said that the tea face will adjust the market layout according to the operation of the stores, and close the stores with mediocre and superfluous performance from time to time. "under the knockout system, maybe we are going to open one somewhere else, and we will often change the facade in Changsha."

According to the data monitored by the Qihai brand, there are currently 973 stores in the camp, of which nearly 2/3 are concentrated in Changsha, Hunan. Although there is a layout in other cities, the overall number is relatively small.

Before the National Day, the tea face was settled in Suzhou and opened three stores at the same time. On the first day of opening, there was not only a long queue at the store, but also a lively live broadcast. But at the same time, the controversial write-off system has once again been complained by consumers, who report that the production efficiency of the stores is inefficient, quality control is worrying, and the sense of experience is not good, so as to experience and dissuade the admiring onlookers.

Tea enthusiasts say that at present, head brands such as overlord Tea, Xi Tea and Nai Xue Tea can not only achieve fast and stable production, but also try their best to meet the needs of users, attach importance to user experience, and bring certain emotional value to consumers. But when it comes to the pleasant appearance of tea, many people say bluntly that they are just buying a cup of milk tea, but they have to wait in line for meals, overtime redo, not to be packed, and other "unique rules" one after another, saying that "clock in, drink, will not buy again."

Perhaps because of this, compared with other brands, the reputation of consumers with a pleasant complexion has gradually declined in recent years. Some netizens said that in addition to special nodes such as holidays and limited activities, the phenomenon of "penalty stations" and other meals is not often seen in front of the store. From this point of view, it is expected that profit-oriented brands will suddenly withdraw these stores that are no longer queued and have poor performance.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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