Coffee review

Immediate results?! Ruixing Coffee adds another "smooth artifact"?!

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop is a "new talent" in the coffee industry. The frequency of updates of Lucky's products is obvious to all. Although old fans occasionally complain about the new works of the R & D team, as long as it comes to a new day for drinks, they will forget their previous experiences and compete to "walk through the minefield."

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As the "up-to-date talent" of the coffee industry, Ruixing's products are updated frequently for all to see. Although old fans will occasionally complain about the new works of the research and development team, as long as they come to the new day of drinks, they will forget their previous experiences and compete to be brave people in the "minefield", and then share their personal feelings for other netizens' reference.

This is not, although lucky is still in the promotion period of butter drinks, but recently quietly on the shelves of lactic acid bacteria American style was discovered by careful users, immediately attracted the attention of many people.

It is understood that this new product currently appears only in stores in the Shanghai area, is a regional limited ice drink. According to the official product introduction, the drink contains imported patented plant lactic acid bacteria, imported sour and sweet, focusing on a "refreshing anti-greasy".

The combination of lactic acid bacteria and coffee is not uncommon in the field of coffee innovation, and there are many people on social media who try to mix yogurt products such as Yoledo with coffee concentrate to get a special flavor of sour and sweet coffee. Therefore, for well-informed coffee lovers, many people feel that Ruixing's research and development of new products is a little less surprising.

Users who have tried it say that if you look at the recipe alone, it may be mistaken for "dark cuisine", but in fact, due to the influence of lactic acid bacteria, the whole cup of drink has less coffee aroma and obvious sour taste. People who are afraid of acid say bluntly that they can't accept it, but customers who pursue refreshing feelings can't put it down. It is suggested that people who visit Shanghai in the near future can buy it and try it.

While everyone was discussing the taste of this strange CP, netizens with a strange angle noticed that lactic acid bacteria can promote intestinal peristalsis, caffeine can have a similar effect, and coupled with indispensable ice, this new product is not properly stacked with "unobstructed" buff.

For some fans, what they ask for is not a refreshing cup of Ruixin every day, but to keep their intestines and stomach unobstructed. Therefore, when they see "Lactobacillus + American", many people say, "it sounds good." , "feeling will be very helpful in clearing intestines and stomach", it is speculated that Ruixing's "Runchang drink list" may usher in the addition of new members.

Subsequently, many practical netizens proved with their own experience that the combination could indeed bring immediate results. "after buying a cup and trying it, it won't hold at all after an hour," and said that the wonderful effect of the new product is more obvious than the previous Ximei American style.

However, those who have an "iron stomach" think that the effect of the new product is not so mysterious. "it doesn't feel like drinking two cups a day." Thus it can be seen that the "patency" effect of lactic acid bacteria varies from person to person, and may not necessarily solve the problems of all constipation people.

Although Shanghai users think that the effect of the new product is not as effective as the "poof water" on the previous list, Rui Lucky fans in other regions still have some expectations for this American style of lactic acid bacteria. they all hope that the brand can be promoted to the whole country as soon as possible, so that they can also try whether the "unobstructed" effect is fierce or not.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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