Coffee review

The front page of the coffee shop menu is full of shop rules! Customer: It makes my brain hurt!

Published: 2024-10-16 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/16, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Shop Now visits cafes. The first thing consumers may see is not the menu placed on the bar, but the shop rules posted at the door. In order to maintain a relatively quiet and comfortable environment in the store, requirements such as "no indoor smoking" and "no pets" are included in the

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Today, when visiting cafes, the first thing consumers may see is not the menu on the bar, but the rules posted at the door. In order to maintain a relatively quiet and comfortable environment in the store, requirements such as "no smoking in the room" and "no pets" are not excessive in the eyes of customers and will cooperate relatively.

But the rules of some cafes are a little difficult to understand in the eyes of customers. Recently, netizens posted the rules of a coffee shop in Taipei, saying that the whole 10 rules were listed on the front page of the menu.

The poster said that the top rules can be seen in most coffee shops and are more common and reasonable. But the following rules, "vomiting plus cleaning fee of $2000 per person", "leave the store for 10 minutes, recalculate low consumption" are beyond my understanding, "really speechless".

In response to the feelings of the posters, netizens have said that most of the strange rules are the sad past of the shopkeeper, so these rules are not too bizarre. According to netizens in Taiwan, in order to avoid disputes between the two sides, most of the local cafes will "say ugly things first" and inform guests in advance of the shopkeeper's reception preferences either directly or euphemistically in black and white.

As netizens say, choice is always two-way. Customers can choose which coffee shop to spend money in, and the coffee shop can naturally choose whether or not to receive guests. Therefore, in the view of some netizens, they do not object to the one-page rule written by the coffee shop owner, believing that it is good for both sides to tell themselves in advance what to do and what not to do.

"I like this kind of store. After taking a seat, the experience will be much more comfortable", "these rules are very reasonable. I don't think there is a problem, but I think the quality in this store is very good."there are rules, but I like to enter the store."

In contrast, coffee shop chains usually do not have too many rules, but often encounter unpleasant situations, such as non-consumption, loud talk, and so on, they say. But in independent cafes, the rules laid down by shopkeepers will dissuade those who are unwilling to obey the rules, greatly reduce some uncivilized behavior, and provide customers with a comfortable environment to enjoy coffee.

Based on this, netizens think that the shopkeeper has a clear list of the rules, but in fact, the two sides of the transaction can choose from each other. "if you can accept it, don't go if you don't accept it. It's the same as the sale contract." if you don't like it, you won't spend it. If the boss doesn't earn this money, I won't spend money to find pain. "

Coffee shop owners use a clear list of store rules to maintain the store environment, so that customers can enjoy the corresponding value of products and services, it is understandable.

However, some netizens believe that the overly cumbersome store rules may make the customers feel restrained, thinking that the store operators are calculating and worried that some of their innocuous personal actions will be picked on by each other and give consumers an unpleasant experience. and then people don't want to come again.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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