Coffee review

Helpless exposure! The old lady walked into the store and stole coffee with confidence?!

Published: 2024-10-17 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/17, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, China Daily reported that the owner of a coffee shop in Beijing posted a video of an old lady coming to the store and trying to steal coffee, which aroused heated discussion among netizens. According to the video publisher, the old man frequently frequented his coffee shop and repeatedly tried to take it away and place it in a coffee shop.

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Recently, reported that the owner of a coffee shop in Beijing sent a video of an old woman coming to the store to steal coffee, causing a heated discussion among netizens.

The video publisher said that in the video, the old man frequently patronized his coffee shop and repeatedly tried to take away the drinks that had been packed on the table. Speechless, whenever she asked the old man if she had an order, she confidently said that she did not have an order, and even said positively that the coffee in her hand was her own.

The shopkeeper was very helpless about the old man's behavior. He said that in the past, the old man stole the coffee when the shop assistant was not paying attention, but now he robbed it openly. At the end of September, she passed by three times a day and tried to steal the drinks from the bar. The last time the old man took coffee from the store was on October 3.

In addition, the store manager revealed that the old man had also done the thing of picking up drinks and leaving in other beverage stores, but he did not know whether he had succeeded or not.

After the video was released, some netizens recognized the old man in the picture, saying that the old man was very popular in the coffee shops in the surrounding area. "when I was drinking coffee at Starbucks Coffee Shop, I heard the manager and clerk say that the old lady is here again. Pay attention to takeout items and cups."

In this regard, most people think that businesses should collect relevant evidence, report to the police and notify the families of the elderly, telling them that the elderly have stolen coffee. There are also netizens who are worried about the mental state of the elderly, speculating on whether they suffer from mental illness to make such unimaginable behavior so frequently.

At present, there are no more details about the follow-up treatment of the coffee theft by the elderly in Beijing.

However, some practitioners say that stealing coffee while the shop assistant is off guard is not limited to the elderly. Recently, on a social platform, a coffee shop posted a video surveillance in its own shop, showing a clerk washing items with his back to the dining window, and a passer-by quickly took away the packaged drinks on the counter as he passed by. According to the publisher, this is the second time the passer-by has stolen coffee.

This kind of behavior made many netizens extremely indignant and suggested that the shopkeeper should report to the police to deal with it. But in fact, due to the small amount of orders in coffee shops, it is difficult to file a case, and even if the parties under surveillance are found, most of the time they are only given verbal warnings by the police, which can play a limited deterrent role.

As a result, some shopkeepers can only "use magic to defeat magic" and make posters to be posted in front of the store as a warning to "scare" those who are guilty. However, the operators themselves are not absolutely sure whether this approach can play a role in persuading them to quit.

Many netizens believe that although the amount of a cup of coffee is small, such shoplifting should be dealt with by collecting evidence and calling the police at the time of occurrence, rather than with the idea of "wasting money to eliminate disasters and peace of mind." They say that negative treatment will only make thieves think that they can take advantage of it, frequently steal, or even blatantly rob drinks that do not belong to them, causing greater economic losses to businesses.

Picture from: Internet

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