Coffee review

After drinking Manner's new products,"a concert will be held on your stomach"?!

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, Manner and Pudong Art Museum once again jointly collaborated to launch a limited canvas bag inspired by Joseph Marod William Turner's "Blue St. Regis Mountain, sunrise" and a new grilled caramel-flavored latte. Last December, M

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Recently, Manner has once again partnered with Pudong gallery to launch a limited canvas bag inspired by Joseph Malod William Turner's "Blue Reggie Mountain, Sunrise" and a new baked caramel-flavored latte.

In December, Manner teamed up with Pudong gallery for the first time, and fans snapped up a limited canvas bag featuring Manet's "female Knight". Since then, the two sides have worked together many times, and the limited perimeter of each event can attract the attention of art-loving users.

The same is true of the new joint name. Many fans are looking forward to seeing the shop assistants posting their new surroundings. As soon as they see the limited package on the shelves, they rush to place an order and happily take pictures of the canvas bags they have got.

However, for Manner fans, it's nice to get their beloved beautiful canvas bag, but the two new cups on the table are a bit of a headache. It is reported that the limited drink launched by Manner is a baked caramel-flavored latte, which, as its name implies, is undoubtedly a flavored latte with a specific syrup. Users who don't like sweets feel a lot of pressure when they hear the name, for fear of getting a sweet and greasy drink.

Fortunately, Manner workers mostly follow the notes and put less syrup according to customers' needs, so that the drinks are not as sweet and greasy as expected. But at the same time, the unexpected situation after drinking the new product caught many experimenters by surprise.

A netizen said that he and his friends bought a limited package of Manner in order to get around, but they never expected that they would not be able to leave the bathroom soon after drinking a new product. The customer said that he and his friends usually drink coffee and have never had diarrhea from a latte before, so it should not be caused by an allergy to dairy products. But they both flipped over after trying Manner's new hot drink, and the poster couldn't help feeling very surprised.

There are many consumers who have encountered a similar situation. They reported that they developed diarrhea to varying degrees after drinking the new product. "from yesterday morning to now, they have at least 10 times and the feeling of pulling out everything they eat intact." , "Why did you eat something bad?", "when I had a drink in the morning, I went up three times", "vomiting and diarrhea after drinking, but I haven't recovered yet."

In this regard, some people suspect that Manner this new product in addition to milk, may also add thick milk and other ingredients, resulting in some lactose-intolerant consumers have obvious allergic reactions after drinking, vomiting and diarrhea. Some people speculate that it is the ice drink that stimulates the intestines and stomach, which in turn leads to diarrhea in people with weak gastrointestinal function.

Based on the feedback from consumers, many netizens said bluntly that they had been persuaded to quit and did not want to return the pearl even if the surrounding area was good-looking, forcing themselves to drink a cup of "clear sausage coffee". But users with constipation seem to find treasure when they hear the news, and the brave person challenges the new Manner product to see if it really works.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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