Coffee review

Colombia is expected to increase coffee exports to China!

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, Recently, according to Colombia media reports, based on data from Colombia National Coffee Producers Association (FNC), the National Bureau of Statistics (DANE) and the National Administration of Taxation and Customs (DIAN), China is expected to become the sixth largest export market for Colombia coffee by the end of this year. It will become the second largest in the next few years.

Recently, according to Colombian media reports, based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics (DANE) of the National Coffee producers Association (FNC) and the National Administration of Taxation and Customs (DIAN), China is expected to become the sixth largest export market for Colombian coffee by the end of this year and the second largest export market in the next few years.

According to the president of the Colombian National Association of Coffee exporters (Asoeport), the Chinese market is very attractive to Colombian coffee exporters because its consumption is growing strongly year by year. China ranked only 18th among the main export destinations of Colombian coffee in 2019, but jumped to sixth place in 2023, exporting 540000 bags (60 kg / bag).

According to the latest data, from January to August 2024, Colombian coffee exports totaled US $2.193 billion, an increase of 13 percent over the same period last year. Exports reached 7.8 million bags, an increase of 16 percent over the same period last year. The top five exporters were the United States, Canada, Belgium, Germany and Japan. China is still in sixth place.

In addition, the market research firm Mordor Intelligence reports that China's coffee market will reach $2.06 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $2.26 billion in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 1.90% between 2023 and 2028. At present, the growth in demand for coffee in China is mainly due to the rapid expansion of domestic and international coffee chains.

And, according to the Colombian FNC report, Colombia experienced La Nina phenomenon earlier, resulting in a reduction in Colombian coffee production for three consecutive years, but began to have a small 2% in 2023, and began to resume production in 2024. It is expected that the annual production of 13 million bags in 2023, an increase of 15%, and exports are expected to reach 12 million bags.

However, Colombia still faces many problems. It is reported that Colombia attaches more importance to per unit yield capacity than increasing coffee acreage, and hopes to achieve its goal by renovating coffee trees. However, there are still many climate problems this year, and the more serious ones are drought and hill fires.

It is reported that Colombia has experienced dry weather since January this year, and the water level of several reservoirs has dropped seriously, but fortunately, the rainy season began to resume rainfall in May, so the impact on the coffee industry is not very great. But in September, the drought intensified, leading to widespread forest fires. According to Colombia's National risk and disaster Administration (National Unit for Risk and Disaster Management), nearly 11000 hectares of land in Colombia has been destroyed by the fire. Coffee and sugar cane plantations are also involved.

At the same time, armed conflict began to break out in Colombia, mainly in an exchange of fire with the Central staff headquarters, the largest branch of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the country's largest rebel force. The armed group continued to carry out attacks in the southwestern provinces of Nari ñ o, Cauca and Cauca Valley, injuring a number of soldiers, police and civilians. In recent days, the fighting situation has escalated, the Colombian government has dispatched more than 1400 soldiers and dispatched heavy equipment such as fighter planes, tanks, and artillery to raid the main strongholds of the "Central staff headquarters," affecting the development of some areas.

For the Colombian coffee industry, although extreme weather such as drought and fire have seriously affected the coffee industry, coffee production has had a slight impact, but the situation is better than last year. At present, regional security is one of the issues that the government needs to focus on.

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