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Close 89 houses in 3 months! Stores in Naixue are closed one after another!

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, a netizen posted on social platforms saying that Naixue employees reported that Naixue in Taizhou, Zhejiang is about to enter a trend of closures. According to the content of the post, Naixue's Luqiao Wuyue store in Taizhou will be closed at the end of the month, and Baolong City store will be closed at the end of next month. in

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Recently, a netizen posted on the social platform that Naixue employees revealed that Naixue in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province is about to enter the trend of shop closure.

According to the post, Nai Xue's Wuyue store in Luqiao, Taizhou will be closed at the end of this month, and Baolong City will be closed at the end of next month. In the comment area, many people said that there were far more than two local stores that had been closed. "Wenling Yintai also lost the brand change" and "Yuhuan Wuyue also closed down."

Netizens in other areas have also left messages saying that the stores they are familiar with seem to be closing quietly, "Hefei is almost closed", "Hangzhou in77 is closed" and "Ziyang Street closed less than half a year later". These messages made some fans worried about the future of Nai Xue, saying bluntly that the current situation of the brand does not look very good.

Judging from the official "Operation in the third quarter of 2024" released on October 18, Naixue users have reason to worry about it.

According to official figures, Naixue closed a direct store in the third quarter of this year, and although 23 new stores and 56 franchise stores were opened, the overall number of stores shrank by 10.

Combined with the relevant reports previously released by Naxue, in the first three quarters of this year, Naixue reduced a total of 72 franchise stores and added 272 franchise stores. By the end of September, it had 1531 direct stores and 353 franchise stores, with a total of 1884 stores.

There is nothing wrong with this figure alone, but compared with Xicha, which already has 4417 stores, the gap between Nai Xue and its old rival is obvious, and it is even more puzzling why Nai Xue has frequently heard the news of shop closures.

In response, the brand pointed out in the latest announcement that in the third quarter, they adopted a more cautious strategy in expanding stores, optimized existing stores and closed some of their underperforming stores in order to boost the performance of existing stores. At the same time, in terms of franchise business, officials pay more attention to the selection of franchisees, hoping to cooperate with more mature franchisees who share the same brand values with Nai Xue.

However, the official words do not comfort consumers who love Naxue.

Many users feedback that in the current fierce competition in the industry, the quality control of Naxue products has declined significantly, compared with their peers, lack of brand characteristics. On the other hand, the baked bread that captures many users has changed from current baking on the same day to pre-made products, and the change in business has greatly disappointed many consumers, saying bluntly that in the absence of a freshly baked European bag, the number of visits to Naxue stores is also gradually decreasing.

In recent years, Naixue, which occupies a place in the industry and competes with many brands such as Xi Tea and Le Le Tea, has constantly improved itself in order to meet the market demand, produced new products and joint names, and once received good market feedback. it made a profit for the first fiscal year last year.

But from the feedback of consumers, the data on the official report and other aspects, the current situation of Naixue, which is caught in the tide of shop closure, is not optimistic. Perhaps only time can verify whether the brand's closed shop adjustment decision can bring better development prospects to Nai Xue as expected.

Picture from: Internet

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