Coffee review

Attract uncles and aunts?! Mixue actually sent a plastic washbasin!

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, when a netizen passed by the entrance of a certain Mixue Ice City, he noticed a stack of plastic basins stacked on the table in front of the door. It can be seen from the billboards placed at the door that these washbasins with the brand logo are the limits launched by the brand for promotional activities.

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Recently, when a netizen passed the gate of a honey snow ice city, he noticed a stack of plastic washbasins built on the table in front of the door.

As can be seen from the billboards placed at the door, these washbasins printed with the brand logo are the limited periphery of the promotion activities launched by the brand, and users only need to spend 15 yuan to get them. Looking at the poster and the pile of washbasins that should have appeared in the grocery store, Michelle fans can't help calling the picture too shocking.

You know, most brands in order to attract the attention of users, the launch of the limited perimeter is mostly exquisite and good-looking, in line with the brand tonality. But the Snow King washbasin launched by Honey Snow Ice City seems to be the opposite, not only without outstanding appearance, but also rustic in temperament. Many people say that the plastic washbasin printed with the brand mascot is not so much the periphery, it is more like a gift from buying toiletries in the supermarket.

However, although netizens dislike the "outrageous perimeter" in their mouth, they can't control the hands that place the order when they see the Snow King washbasin. "I will take down what is so rustic,"I like this kind of approachable", "Don't say I really want it", "this neighborhood is really economical and affordable."

It is worth mentioning that, from the feedback from the surrounding users, the limited snow king washbasin is not available in stores all over the country, but is concentrated in some areas around Jiangsu and Zhejiang. This is the envy of many unavailable honey snow fans, suggesting that the brand should popularize this style around the country, while saying that the authorities can continue to expand, designing daily necessities such as toothbrushes, towels, slippers, stainless steel basins and so on.

In recent years, the irregular launch of coffee and tea brands around has become a means of promotion for brands. Ceramic cups, canvas bags, stickers, refrigerator stickers and other products are overwhelmed, causing countless neighboring parties to place orders for gifts, virtually driving product sales.

But at the same time, the surrounding area is gradually homogenized, and some products may just change the pattern or brand logo and appear in front of users, making the surrounding parties feel that today's limited perimeter is either a cup or a bag, lack of freshness, and consumers who collect too much "beautiful waste" gradually lose their enthusiasm for buying beads.

Therefore, when they saw the launch of this plastic washbasin in Honeysnow Ice City, the majority of netizens felt bright in front of their eyes and said bluntly that it broke their inherent impression of the perimeter of the brand. and said that it is true that this kind of products with the flavor of life can also become the limited perimeter of the beverage industry.

But think calmly, compared with other peers, Honey Snow Ice City has always been a tea brand with no "advanced sense". Low prices, being close to the people, and approachable are all labels affixed to the brand, so they are deeply loved by the majority of consumers. From this point of view, the snow king washbasin that brings shock to fans is actually very consistent with the brand image, making people feel that it is reasonable that the surrounding area comes from Honey Snow Ice City.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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