Coffee review

Hanging up again?! Manner's salary increase exam stumbles employees!

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Promotion and salary increase should be one of the goals that most migrant workers strive for, and Manner shop assistants are no exception. In order to get more salary, many of them will sign up for a salary increase exam after working for a period of time. They will compete with some chain brands on the market.

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Promotion and salary increase should be one of the goals that most workers strive for, and Manner clerks are no exception. In order to get more pay, many of them will sign up for a pay increase after working for a certain period of time.

Unlike some chain brands on the market, Manner currently uses semi-automatic espresso machines in all its stores. And this kind of equipment which is difficult to operate will undoubtedly require the functional quality of baristas. Therefore, the examiner will focus on whether the employees' flower drawing, milking, grinding and so on can meet the standardized requirements. In addition, Manner, which focuses on boutique coffee, also assesses employees' hand-brewed coffee.

However, candidates who have taken the exam said that in fact, the pass rate of the Manner salary increase test is so low that most people may fail in the operation of the espresso machine and have no chance to take the follow-up hand-brewing coffee test.

It is reported that Manner employees need to sign up in advance and then go to a store that serves as an examination room to take a pay increase test. Although this method is convenient for examiners and can assess multiple employees at one time, it is actually doubly stressful for those who are examined.

They said that although the machines in stores across the country are basically the same brand and the same model, the condition of the equipment in each store will be different because of the different frequency of use. But at the examination site, candidates could not understand the "temper" of the coffee machine in advance, and many people were unable to produce standard drinks as smoothly as usual because they were not familiar with the equipment, and flipped over in the two links of milking and flower drawing.

In addition, the condition of machinery and equipment will also affect another part of the assessment, grinding. An employee who failed in the salary increase exam said that he made a mistake in the adjustment because he was not familiar with the bean grinder in the examination room, so that he ended the examination ahead of time and failed to enter the follow-up link. There are also many candidates who have fallen into the training session. "all four of them have been polished in the morning" and "I have taken the exam 4-5 times."

For a long time, Manner, which is based on boutique coffee, has been very demanding of its employees. At the beginning of the job, it is necessary to go to the Shanghai headquarters for several months of professional training before passing the exam before being assigned to the store. But before passing the pay-rise exam, most people don't get as much as advertised. Therefore, the salary increase exam has become the only way for employees to raise their salaries.

However, when in an unfamiliar store environment and using unfamiliar machines and equipment, examiners are extremely prone to minor mistakes, coupled with examiners' almost critical assessment criteria, such as measuring the thickness of milk bubbles with a ruler, whether the drink is full, and so on. This salary increase test is extremely difficult for employees.

Many people say that if they want to pass the strict salary increase exam, in addition to their own excellent skills, they also need a certain amount of luck to meet a "soft God", otherwise they will fall into the infinite cycle of "registration-assessment." unwilling to sum up experience in repeated challenges and failures.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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