Coffee review

Emerald Manor Rose Summer Rating! What kind of coffee is Jade Manor Diamond Mountain? How to make coffee by hand to create a sense of layers?

Published: 2024-10-25 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, Since Emerald Manor won the BOP championship using Rose Summer in 2004, it has not only gained a reputation consistent with it, but also made the world realize the delicacy of Rose Summer. Therefore, every time we mention Jade Manor, we always associate it with Guixia. But do you know, in fact, in addition to Rose Summer, Jade Manor

Since Jade Manor used Rose Summer to win the BOP championship in 2004, it has not only gained a reputation in line with it, but also made the world realize the delicacy of Rose Summer. Therefore, whenever we mention the Emerald Manor, we are always associated with Rose Summer. But did you know that in addition to Rose Summer, Jade Manor also produces other varieties of coffee. One of the most famous is Diamond Hill.

Many friends hoarded a lot of Diamond Hill in the monthly activities on the street two days ago, but when they got the beans, they found that the coffee always meant almost, in short, mediocre and lack of layering. Then it doesn't matter. Let's come to the front street today to share how to cook the beans of Diamond Hill.

What is Diamond Hill? Diamond Hill is actually a series of jadeite manors sold, just like the red and green signs of jadeite summer, is a separate product line. Under the Diamond Hill product line, Kaduai is the main product sold. These Kaduai come from the two highest-poster estates of the Jade Manor-"Ca ñ as Verdes" and "Jaramillo". The average altitude of planting is between 1400 and 1700 meters.

Since the Diamond Hill series is produced in the Jade Manor, the producing area is naturally the famous Pocket. Pokuit is a town in Chiriki province of Panama, with an elevation of 1400 meters to 1900 meters. It is located near the border between Panama and Costa Rica. Because of its proximity to the Central Mountains, the Pokuit region not only has abundant rainfall throughout the year, but also has a lot of micro-climate! Coupled with the fact that this producing area is involved in the Balu volcano, the crops in this land are also nourished by volcanic soil, which can be said to be a very suitable environment for coffee.

Catuai, the name comes from the Guaran language "Molto mom" and has a "very good" meaning. It is a cross between Huang Kadura and New World beans and was originally named "Hmur2011". And Kaduai's overall performance is indeed worthy of the name. Because compared with the conventional Arabica species, Kaduai not only has a beautiful flavor performance, but also has high yield, high disease resistance and other high-quality characteristics. And the requirements for planting altitude and planting environment are relatively less demanding. So most of the time, some famous coffee farms will plant Kaduai on some of the estates that are not suitable for growing rose summer.

But what we need to know is that the yield of Kaduai can be very high because its plants are smaller and much smaller than other Arabica species. As a result, the spacing between plants can be shortened, the planting density can be twice as dense as conventional Arabica species (bourbon), and the yield will naturally double.

The diamond hill in front of the street is treated in the sun! Sun treatment is to dry the whole coffee fruit with belt beans in the sun until the beans are dried to a certain extent (it will take about 20 days). The sun treatment because there are more sugars involved in fermentation, so beans will develop a richer aroma, as well as a very soft wine aroma.

For such a bean, Qianjie uses a medium-shallow baking to cook. So that the rich aroma can be more fully perceived by us. So next, let's share with Qianjie how to cook this bean.

With regard to cooking in the filter cup, Qianjie will choose V60 as the filter cup to cook this bean. Because the fast flow rate of V60 and the conical structure can make the extraction of coffee less balanced (compared with other slow-flow fast filter cups), which can enrich the overall level of coffee; but because it is medium-to-shallow roasting, so we need to match with finer grinding to ensure that hot water can more easily dissolve the flavor substances in coffee, which is 80% of the over-screening rate of sieve 20 and fine sugar particles. In terms of water temperature, the front street will use 92 °C ~ 93 °C; the ratio of powder to water is also 1:15, at which the coffee concentration is just right and the flavor is outstanding. In the steaming phase, Qianjie chose to use 25ml's hot water to complete its 30-second steaming and wetting. Because this diamond hill uses medium and shallow baking, the expansion rate of beans is not high, and the water absorption effect is relatively weak. Therefore, too much hot water will easily cause waste and promote the production of bypass water. When steaming, we can slow down the injected water and circle outward from the middle, so that the hot water can better permeate all the coffee powder and exhaust better.

When the steaming is over, we inject the second stage of hot water. At this point, we need to use a large flow of water to raise the powder bed, so that the subsequent injection of hot water can come into direct contact with the coffee powder at the bottom. At this stage, we need to inject hot water into 130ml, which is also injected with a large amount of water from the middle to the outside. The injection is completed in about 1 minute, and then the last section of hot water is injected until the water level drops. (as long as there is no problem with water injection, you will soon be able to see a deep powder pit.)

At about 1 minute and 20 seconds, the current is almost ready. So now we're going to inject it in a small circle with a large flow of water. The injection is finished in about 1 minute and 35 seconds, and finally we just need to wait for the coffee to finish filtering, then we can remove the filter cup and enjoy the delicious food!

The Diamond Hill that rushes out in this way will have a very rich sense of hierarchy! The high sweetness of citrus sugar, the touch of honey, and the finish of cocoa, the aroma of sun-fermented wine is not strong, very soft. Delicious!