Coffee review

Caught off guard!% Arabica Lhasa store is closing!

Published: 2024-10-27 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, a netizen who was about to travel to Lhasa searched for local coffee shops and found that %Arabica, which opened opposite the Potala Palace, was about to close. On the store introduction page of the third-party platform, you can see a line that says "Merchant or 10

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Recently, a netizen who was about to travel to Lhasa was searching for a local coffee shop and found that% Arabica, which is opposite the Potala Palace, was about to close.

On the store introduction page of the third-party platform, you can see a prompt with the words "Merchants may be closed on October 28th", which makes the poster think that% Arabica Lhasa may close down. However, in the comments area at the bottom of the post, local netizens said that when they went to the store yesterday, they did not find any signs of imminent closure and were still able to buy drinks normally.

It is understood that the% Arabica, located opposite Xizang's Potala Palace, opened in March 2023 and is currently the brand's highest store in the world. At the beginning of its opening, many tourists were attracted to sign in because of the towering Potala Palace outside the glass. Today, commemorative photos taken by netizens on this trip can still be found on social platforms.

However, although this% Arabica is a sign-in point for online celebrities recommended by many people, it is undeniable that beautiful photos can be taken here, but due to the special location of the store, the cost of transporting materials is slightly higher, so the price of drinks sold in the store is higher than that in other areas, with an increase of 2 to 3 yuan.

Some netizens said that the pricing of% Arabica products is higher than that of other brands, plus the increase of a few yuan, a cup of ordinary American style is 34 yuan, the performance-to-price ratio is really not high. Many people believe that the store is actually an online celebrity shop that takes advantage of its geographical advantage to attract foreign tourists to clock in and take photos, and local users who need caffeine may not patronize it, leading to the decline of store business and being optimized by the brand.

However, local residents have different views on this. Admittedly, this% Arabica is a stop for travelers during the peak tourist season, with people taking pictures with cameras in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass with excellent views. However, in the off-season, the store will not appear deserted because of the decrease in the number of visitors. As a result, poor performance is not the reason for the closure of the cafe, which has been open for less than two years.

It is speculated from the blunt words in the comment area that the area where the store is located may have been replanned and about to be demolished, resulting in the evacuation of% Arabica, which is doing well. As for whether the brand will find another address to reopen after that, the local netizens are not clear, and there is no clear message from the brand side.

Last year, before% Arabica entered Lhasa, no other well-known chain brand dared to open a store here, so it earned enough attention when this snow-white store opened, which attracted many coffee lovers and became a scenic spot for many tourists to clock in in front of the Potala Palace.

Unexpectedly, the sudden closure of the once sensational store did not make local coffee lovers feel sad or sorry. They say that Lhasa now has a number of chain brands such as Lucky, as well as independent cafes that integrate local characteristics. Consumers can choose low-priced coffee or have a cup of highland barley wine in a pleasant cafe.

As a result, although they are reluctant to learn of the sudden closure of the store, local people believe that it may not be long before there will be a new cafe in front of the towering Potala Palace, which will continue to provide excellent shooting seats for tourists.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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