Coffee review

Coffee information COSTA coffee intimate contact with e-commerce

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Yibang dynamic learned from the famous coffee chain brand COSTA COFFEE that COSTA COFFEE recently launched a partnership with retail e-commerce for the first time in its 45-year history: holding hands with British fashion ecommerce ASOS and British Airways planned an interactive event for their fans on WeChat. According to Zhou Chengxian, director of marketing and communication at COSTA COFFEE, this time in China and ASOS

Yibang dynamic learned from the famous coffee chain brand COSTA COFFEE that COSTA COFFEE recently launched a partnership with retail e-commerce for the first time in its 45-year history: holding hands with British fashion ecommerce ASOS and British Airways planned an interactive event for their fans on WeChat. According to Zhou Chengxian, director of marketing and communication of COSTA COFFEE, the cooperation with ASOS in China is only a small and medium-sized test of COSTA COFFEE in the retail industry, and will cooperate with more retail brands in the O2O trial in the future.

According to Yibang dynamic, the tripartite cooperation between COSTA COFFEE and ASOS and British Airways is mainly focused on interaction with users: users follow COSTA COFFEE Wechat and share links to the event on Wechat, as well as photos with four major themes, the number of likes by friends and the content of the photos are used as criteria. It is understood that the themes of four of the photos must be related to the connotation of the three brands. In addition, Wechat fans of ASOS also enjoy exclusive COSTA COFFEE coupons.

Zhou Chengxian told Yibang dynamic that the main reason for choosing ASOS and British Airways as partners is that the three companies belong to British brands, share a common brand culture and characteristics, and have overlapping user groups, and the three companies can work together to communicate more diverse lifestyles to users through social media.

In addition, Zhou Chengxian also revealed that the future cooperation between COSTA COFFEE, ASOS and British Airways will certainly be more in-depth, and will also be extended to other retail brands. For example, members of COSTA COFFEE and co-brands can communicate with each other, and COSTA COFFEE points can be used not only in our store, but also in co-brands. "the business form of the future will be very interesting, COSTA COFFEE just selling coffee is too boring, we can also infiltrate other categories of brands."

For ASOS, which has just entered the Chinese market for a year, partnering with COSTA COFFEE, which is rich in offline resources, can increase its popularity in China with the help of COSTA COFFEE, and the marketing of social media is exactly what ASOS values, and the probability of COSTA COFFEE users turning into ASOS users will be higher.

In view of the cooperation of the above three large-span companies in social media, according to industry insiders, the cooperation between traditional retail and online e-commerce will certainly increase in the future, and the cooperation between offline brands through the Internet will also increase day by day. "some brands don't seem to matter, but they are at the same level of consumption, and their users are actually the same group of people, such as a person who is likely to drink COSTA COFFEE, wear ASOS clothes and fly on British Airways at the same time. In the past, there was no system connection between them, the cost of sharing users was too high, and there was no interconnected medium. now these brands are on the Internet, and opportunities to join hands with each other can be seen everywhere in the process. "