Coffee review

Refuse extensive growth London Bridge Coffee advocates intensive farming Market

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, China's coffee market has shown a strong growth momentum in recent years. Statistics show that the number of coffee shops in China has grown from more than 10,000 to more than 30,000 in the five years from 2007 to 2012. Especially in first-tier and second-tier cities, coffee drinking has been integrated with fashion and modern life, coffee consumption is increasing, and the coffee market is also expanding. This continues from many coffee shop chains

China's coffee market has shown a strong growth momentum in recent years. Statistics show that the number of coffee shops in China has grown from more than 10,000 to more than 30,000 in the five years from 2007 to 2012. Especially in first-tier and second-tier cities, coffee drinking has been integrated with fashion and modern life, coffee consumption is increasing, and the coffee market is also expanding. This can also be seen in the continuous emergence of many chain cafes, niche and specialty cafes.

Development trend of Coffee Market in China

Cafes have been popular in China for more than a hundred years since the French introduced cafe culture to China in the 1880s. Nowadays, cafes that can be seen everywhere in the streets have become the first choice for people to talk, relax and party, and coffee has really become a part of people's lives. However, compared with the per capita sales of coffee in western countries, China's coffee market still has huge exploitable potential. Until now, the annual per capita consumption of coffee is only more than four cups, while neighboring Japan and South Korea have reached 340 cups and 300 cups respectively, and the figures in Europe and the United States and other countries are even more staggering. Research shows that the Chinese market has also shown signs of development along this trend, and China will become an important coffee consumption market in the world.

The mass consumption of coffee, which began with instant coffee, is now being robbed of momentum by cafes that emphasize the concept of "freshly ground coffee". Consumers pay more and more attention to the quality and taste of coffee and enjoy the leisure fun and comfortable space brought by cafe culture. With the continuous improvement of consumer taste, the concept of "cultural coffee" has become the mainstream of the coffee industry, and various cafe brands play the "culture card" to attract consumers.

The rapid growth of chain coffee brands

Even McDonald's, an American fast food brand, continues to open McCaf é freshly brewed coffee shops, which shows the great potential and fierce competition of China's coffee market. For a long time, European and American coffee brands such as Starbucks and COSTA have seized the coffee market in major cities, but in recent years, Korean coffee brands have emerged as a new force, which is closely related to the popularity of Korean movies and TV dramas, music and Korean clothing. Consumers go to the store to consume not only coffee, but also the leisure and casual story-like exquisite living space of South Korean dramas.

Statistics show that Starbucks expands fastest among European and American coffee shop brands. at present, there are 1164 coffee shops in China, with an average of 77 stores per year. The outstanding Taiwanese coffee shop brand is Shangdao Coffee, which currently has 1016, expanding at an average rate of 59 per year. Among Korean coffee shop brands, coffee is the most outstanding. It has opened 407 stores in just two years since entering China, and is still expanding at a high speed.

Coffee brand differentiation competition is dominant.

In the face of China's coffee market, how to win brand awareness and customer loyalty in the increasingly fierce competition has become an important consideration of various brands, and the pursuit of differential competition has been a consensus. London Bridge Coffee, featuring exquisite British design, British classic and elegant VINTAGE culture, is unique among many Chinese cafe brands. With fresh theme, fresh food and fresh content as the theme, customers feel different cultural touch, which is not only the characteristic of London Bridge Coffee, but also its determined move to enhance brand awareness and loyalty.

Different from the coffee chain brands which are constantly pursuing expansion in the domestic market, London Bridge Coffee has its own idea of cloth shop and management-it is not eager to expand blindly, but pays more attention to the unity of product quality, brand concept and brand culture. this also doomed London Bridge Coffee to the store image, shop management system attention. Based on the study of the segmentation of the domestic coffee market, London Bridge Coffee defines a new cafe culture based on the tradition of British cafes in the 17th century, with the attraction of supplying fresh, high-quality and well-made drinks and delicacies, and constantly strengthening its brand image by holding concerts and MD product development, it has formed its own unique and perfect brand concept, culture and style.

Style, quality, and management.

Nowadays, coffee is no longer just sold in coffee shops. Consumers' entering the shop has become a consumption of the store environment, not to mention the non-coffee drinks and delicacies such as tea, smoothies, cakes, sandwiches, waffles and so on. It is also the reason why the coffee shop has become a place for leisure and communication. As a chain brand, keeping product quality and brand image consistent is realized by a sound management system.

Take London Bridge Coffee as an example, the whole management system is subdivided into Rendd Department, Operation Department and OMD system Department, which provides manpower support and system support for stores through Store Manager and Supervisor support systems. Redd department is responsible for market research, product innovation and new product development, store kitchen staff training, so as to ensure the diversity and quality of products. The operation department is responsible for store operation, store staff training, marketing activities and marketing to maintain brand vitality and consumer stickiness. The OMD system Department ensures the orderly daily operation of the store through the development and management of the maintenance system. The cooperation mechanism of direct marketing and joining makes the business model of London Bridge Coffee more flexible, and the perfect management system also increases the support of London Bridge Coffee to franchisees. Market research, business circle analysis and the transplantation of store management system ensure the reasonable and sustainable development of the joining model.