Coffee review

Do you know Starbucks 'secret menu?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Did you know Starbucks has a secret menu? Those who know, those who don't know don't know.

Did you know that Starbucks has a private menu? Those who know know, those who do not know do not know. When you wait in line to count the coffee names you are familiar with, you suddenly hear the person in front of you say "Zebra Mocha" that you have never heard before. Do you suddenly raise your head and wonder if they have come to the wrong place or have heard it wrong?

It may not be so popular in Asia. But in the United States, private menu (Secret Menu) is a well-known secret. Not only Starbucks, but also Subway, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Chipotle and other restaurants have their secret menus, and perhaps the most famous is In-N-Out, which is hot in the United States and sold out of 300 hamburgers in Singapore in five minutes.

Although Starbucks' private menu is not as well known as In-N-Out, it is said that as long as you can say it, they can make it for you. But are you sure every Starbucks employee knows about so many flavors?

1. The Grasshopper Frappuccino Grasshopper Frappuccino

Grasshopper Star Frappuccino is actually a mocha cappuccino mixed with javachips and mint syrup. It tastes like mint ice cream, making you feel like a small grasshopper with morning dew in the grass!

2. Snickers Frappucchino Snickers star ice music

Try this "Snickers Star Frappuccino" that restores your energy quickly. Add some toffeenut to the JavaChip Frappuccino, then pour caramel over the cream, it tastes like a Snickers!

3. Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino Banana Cream Frappuccino

Add a whole fresh banana to an ordinary VanillaBean Cr è me Frappuccino to make this unique and rich banana cream Frappuccino! Next time you bring oranges, watermelons and grapes. Go and order a brand new cappuccino!

4. Green Eye Green Eye Coffee

Drip coffee (drip brew coffee) with one espresso (1 shot of espresso) is called Red Eye, and two servings are called Black Eye. That's what most people drink. What if you like something special, thicker than Black Eye? Tell the clerk extra 3 shots? In fact, it is also called Green Eye, in some places it is called Blue Eye, or Triple Death. Is this the amount of coffee that will make people so excited that their eyes glow green ~ XD?

London Fog London Fog

Is the simple "Earl Black Tea" (EarlGrey Tea) a little boring? Tell the clerk to add some vanilla syrup and caramel in it, take out the tea bag in a minute, mix it, stir it, and enjoy the London fog.

6. Dirty Chai & Double Dirty coffee interrupts the tea

Chai Latte is an Indian latte with four main ingredients: black tea, milk, a variety of spices and sugar or honey. If you add an espresso to it, it becomes Dirty Chai;. If you add two, it means that Double Dirty-- has a kind of coffee that disturbs the tea.

7. Apple Juice Orange Blossom apple juice orange scented tea

You don't like coffee? Try adding TazoOrange Blossom Tea to pure apple juice. Unfortunately, OrangeBlossom-flavored tea bags are no longer sold at Starbucks, but tea lovers can still order full-leaf OrangeBlossom tea.

8. Zebra Mocha zebra mocha

It is sometimes called Penguin Mocha, Black Tux, or Marble Mocha. It's a regular mocha with white chocolate mocha, black and white, so it's called a zebra?

9 、 Captain Crunch/Crunch Berry Frappuccino

Captain Crunch is not the famous breakfast cereal abroad, but the regular Starbucks drink Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino with hazelnut syrup (hazelnut syrup).

10. Bootleg Brulee secret Bree

According to an anonymous gourmet connoisseur, the drink is white chocolate mocha with toffeenut syrup and caramel.

11. Marble Mocha Macchiato Marble Mocha Macchiato

Marble mocha macchiato is actually a mixture of two drinks, with a white chocolate mocha without milk foam on the bottom, one or two doses of espresso on top, and a rich chocolate sauce, and a cup of marble mocha macchiato is made!

12. Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino cinnamon roll star cappuccino

If you like freshly baked cinnamon rolls, you must also like this cinnamon roll star cappuccino! This drink combines VanillaBean Creme Frappuccino with cinnamon syrup and tastes wonderful!