Coffee review

Analysis on the Development trend of domestic Coffee Industry in Chinese Coffee Industry Market

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, From the analysis of coffee production and consumption at home and abroad, we can see that the supply and demand of coffee in the world is basically balanced, but the supply of high-quality products still exceeds the demand. In order to meet the needs of the market, the foreign coffee growing industry tends to develop high-quality small-grain coffee. The demand for coffee in the domestic market is increasing, and there is a large gap between supply and demand. Therefore, our country still needs to import coffee raw materials and coffee products every year to meet the needs of the market. Yunnan

From the analysis of coffee production and consumption at home and abroad, we can see that the supply and demand of coffee in the world is basically balanced, but the supply of high-quality products still exceeds the demand. In order to meet the needs of the market, the foreign coffee growing industry tends to develop high-quality small-grain coffee. The demand for coffee in the domestic market is increasing, and there is a large gap between supply and demand. Therefore, our country still needs to import coffee raw materials and coffee products every year to meet the needs of the market.

Yunnan is the main area of coffee production in China, with unique natural conditions for growing small-grain coffee. Due to the characteristics of suitable altitude, strong light and large temperature difference in this area, the coffee has a good flavor and is regarded as one of the best coffee in the world and welcomed by domestic and foreign markets.

With the continuous improvement of Chinese people's living standards and the development of tourism, it will promote the expansion of domestic coffee product consumption and demand market, and the consumption of coffee products will increase greatly. In order to develop Yunnan coffee industry, Yunnan Development and Reform Commission and Yunnan Agriculture Department formulated the Yunnan Coffee Industry Development Plan in 2010 (2010-2020). By 2015, the province's coffee planting area will have increased to 67000 hm2, with a production area of 5.3hm2 and an annual output of 96000 tons of coffee beans. The total output value reached more than 17 billion yuan, of which the agricultural output value was 2 billion yuan, the industrial output value was 5 billion yuan, and the tertiary industry output value was 10 billion yuan. By 2020, the coffee planting area in Yunnan Province will be stable at about 100000 hm2, with an annual output value of 200000 tons, with a total output value of more than 34 billion yuan, including agricultural output value of 4 billion yuan, industrial output value of 10 billion yuan, and tertiary industry output value of more than 20 billion yuan.

Rigorous and scientific research methods can ensure the accuracy and quality of the research report. The main research methods adopted in the 2014 China Coffee Industry Market Research and Development Prospect Forecast report are: 1) General Survey: we conducted face-to-face interviews or telephone interviews with nearly 100 practitioners in the coffee industry to obtain the best first-hand data. 2) follow-up research: in order to keep abreast of the trends of the coffee industry in real time, we have established a tracking research mechanism in this coffee industry to obtain the development trends of the coffee industry through visits every month. 3) data of government agencies: we have inquired about the industrial and commercial files of key enterprises in the coffee industry, the archives of the Bureau of Statistics, customs import and export data, etc., and obtained more authoritative information. 4) SOWT analysis: by using the methods of SWOT analysis and Porter's five forces analysis, we analyze the competitive advantages and disadvantages, potential threats and development opportunities of coffee industry and enterprises. 5) Scientific prediction: we use regression analysis, time series analysis, factor analysis, combination analysis and other methods to predict the development trend of coffee.