Coffee review

Caf é Entrepreneurship trend College students crowdfunding to open a coffee shop

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, What is crowdfunding? It's getting cold. I want to eat hot pot at home. Ask five people to call one by one: the first one buys some food on the way, saying that he is short of vegetables; the second one buys some noodles and says he needs noodles; the third buys some frozen bean curd balls and says he is short of this; the fourth buys some wine and says he is short of wine; the fifth buys some hot pot ingredients, but this is not enough. If you are worried about not enough mutton, you will buy some more on the way.

"what is crowdfunding? It's getting cold. I want to eat hot pot at home. Ask five people to call one by one: the first one buys some vegetables on the way, the second one buys some noodles and says he needs noodles; the third buys some frozen bean curd balls and says he is short of this; the fourth buys some wine and says he is short of wine; the fifth buys some hot pot ingredients, but this is all he needs, and if he is worried about not enough mutton, he will buy some more on the way. Hang up the phone, boil water, sit and wait! Want to eat hot pot? It's really important to learn how to integrate resources! " Recently, this joke, which has been widely circulated on the Internet, has also been repeatedly mentioned by Xi'an crowdfunding entrepreneurs.

If you gather a group of people, you can open a studio in the core commercial area of Xi'an; you can own your own cafe with a few clicks on your mobile phone; if you enter a circle of friends, you will be able to attract 700000 yuan. Is it really as simple as "eating hot pot" to start a business with crowdfunding from strangers?

The reporter spent nearly half a month interviewing and found that most of the crowdfunding entrepreneurs in Xi'an are post-80s and post-90s, while the industries are distributed in studios, clothing, hotels and so on, of which the densest is the cafe.

■, know.

Why is crowdfunding not illegal fund-raising?

A real difference between judging equity crowdfunding and illegal fund-raising is whether it promises the required return. Illegal fund-raising is usually based on a commitment to repay principal and interest within a certain period of time, and the promised interest is often much higher than that of banks, while equity crowdfunding is to gather a group of friends with common interests and values to invest and start a business. it does not promise a fixed return, but enjoys the rights of shareholders and bears the risks of shareholders.

Another important criterion to judge whether it is legal equity crowdfunding or illegal fund-raising is that illegal fund-raising interferes with the management order of financial institutions. Professor Zhang Mingkai, an authority on criminal law, believes that "only when the actor illegally absorbs public deposits and uses them for the operation of monetary capital (such as granting loans) can he be found to disturb the financial order." The funds raised by equity crowdfunding are often invested in a project of an entity, not the operation of capital. Three stories

96 shareholders raise 1.4 million yuan to build a studio

Wang Longfei is a post-80s generation with fast speech, clear logic and some wind and fire. In more than an hour chatting with reporters, he received a number of phone calls. In the meantime, his two other partners went on to talk.

Less than a year ago, Wang Longfei brought in Gao Xiang, who has been working as a photographer, and Yang Zi, who has been working in the studio, to create Honey Pomelo Photography, which is located in the core commercial district of Jiefang Road in Xi'an last September.

"one knows the Internet, one knows photography, and the other knows how to run a studio. Finally, they start a business together. It is also because everyone has their own strengths and is more complementary. They are known as the 'three Musketeers'." Wang Longfei said with a smile.

Because he always liked the Internet, Wang Longfei worked on the Internet as soon as he graduated from the university. But he has always wanted to start a business, looking at all kinds of opportunities during work, and intends to start a business at any time. And the work experience of group buying website, let him accumulate a large number of small and medium-sized enterprise customers, among which Gao Xiang is also his customer.

Wang Longfei did crowdfunding to start a business because of a whim. Gao Xiang just planned to do a hotel and invested about 2 million yuan, but as a result, the family of the core shareholder who planned to invest 1.5 million yuan changed and suddenly withdrew his investment. At this time, Wang Longfei suggested that why not pool 100 people and raise 1 million to do the studio work that everyone is familiar with? "at that time, we chatted together in an instant, and we were very excited, from the evening to more than one o'clock in the morning." He said.

Two or three days later, everyone immediately took action to write plans and draft contracts. First, crowdfunding was launched in moments, with shareholders contributing at least 10, 000 yuan and no more than 50, 000 yuan at most. Later, a group of interested shareholders was established, meeting and signing contracts with people who planned to invest every day. Finally, 96 shareholders raised a total of 1.4 million yuan.

Finally, the studio opened smoothly. "now no longer recruit shareholders, directly involved in the operation is mainly the 'three Musketeers'." He said.

College students' Wechat live broadcast crowdfunding to open a cafe

In this wave of crowdfunding entrepreneurship, the impact of mobile Internet on young entrepreneurs has penetrated in all aspects.

Born in 1992 in Liao and Liao, he is a college student. In the second half of 2013, a group of brothers sat in someone else's cafe near Xiaozhai in Xi'an, thinking about their own cafe. Because of the lack of money, there is no money to buy a cup of more than 30 yuan of coffee, everyone around a big table, each ordered a cup of boiled water. Finally, I was really embarrassed, so I bought a cup of coffee and put it in the middle of the table.

Shi Liaoliao said that from thinking about the name of the cafe, to thinking about the model, to fundraising and decorating, they are all broadcast live through Wechat moments.

"for 1000 yuan, you have a cafe of your own." The idea detonated the moments at that time. In the following week, they raised more than 200,000 yuan. At that time, 40 shareholders were mainly college students, almost all of whom were post-90s.

At the Ichuang cafe, which is located near the provincial stadium founded by their crowdfunding, the reporter saw that the words of the school badge of the shareholders were posted on one of the walls, including Xi'an University of Architectural Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University and many other universities in Xi'an.

The hearts of shareholders are also filled with entrepreneurial passion. Li Xiaochao is also a college student and one of the core shareholders. "except for the floor and ceiling, all the decorations of the cafe are made by shareholders, such as chairs and tables from the secondhand market, murals printed by themselves with high-definition images found online, and bookcases bought online," he said while comparing them with his hands. "

"in order to pick up an event last year, that is, New Year's Day opened on January 1, 2014, seven of us stayed up all night cleaning and were still busy scrubbing the floor at 6: 00 in the morning." Li Xiaochao said.

"gather people together, and business will naturally come."

In the view of many entrepreneurs, crowdfunding is not only a way to raise money, the most important thing is to raise business.

Li Junren is also a post-90s science and engineering student who loves the Internet and has been immersed in the mobile Internet circle. "I am surrounded by entrepreneurial groups, and I am also one of the shareholders of another crowdfunded entrepreneurial project." Under the influence of these friends, I have the idea of crowdfunding. " He said.

One day, a friend had a backlog of branded clothes and was worried that he would not be able to sell them. "I thought, the losers around me don't like stalls, but they can't afford to buy branded clothes, and I do this project. I can make friends around me can afford to buy good and cheap clothes." He suddenly came up with the idea and launched a crowdfunding project called "come or not wardrobe".

The so-called brand inventory tail, for example, such as Highland House, Jack Jones, etc., customize 1000 shirts from a factory, but the manufacturer will produce 1100, and the extra 1100 will become the tail stock. Although the trademark of this part of the goods is not complete, the quality is exactly the same as the brand clothes.

Li Junren said that the shareholders of this no-or-no wardrobe crowdfunding project are its loyal consumers, so even advertising fees are saved. "for 500 yuan a share, a shareholder can get up to four shares. And most of the shareholders are college students, each paying 1000-2000 yuan. The clothes in the store will give shareholders a cheaper price. " He said.

"crowdfunding has not only raised wisdom, but also raised contacts and business." Yang Zi, of the above-mentioned pomelo photography, also said that their shareholders are distributed in various industries. "if you get people together, business will naturally come." The shareholders have brought in the photo list, and the company will also give them part of the commission or reward.

Liao Liao, a teacher of I Chuang Cafe, also said: "at the beginning of the cafe, I didn't want to make a profit by selling coffee itself. It was mainly to gather around and do other projects." In terms of information, we can exchange needed goods, give full play to their own advantages and resources, cooperate with each other, and start a business together. "

Three questions

What are crowdfunding entrepreneurs doing? The dense opening of cafes "makes very little profit"

The reporter found that the crowdfunding entrepreneurial groups in Xi'an are mostly post-80s and post-90s, while the industries are mostly distributed in studios, clothing, hotels and so on, of which the densest is crowdfunding cafes.

Mr. he, an industry insider, said: "crowdfunding has been popular in Xi'an for more than a year. Many of them are cafes, but few of them can make a profit."

The first cafe in Xi'an to start a business through crowdfunding is equivalent to losing money. "at present, that cafe has introduced new investors, but it is no longer a crowdfunding model, and everyone in this circle knows it," said an industry insider who spoke on condition of anonymity. "

After a post-80s Yu Guang (pseudonym), who once planned to build a coffee shop through crowdfunding, raised more than 700,000 yuan, the research market found that it was very difficult to make money from the operation of the cafe, which has been lying in his account for more than a year.

Yu Guang said that in the past year, he has been to almost all the cafes in Xi'an. "he will go to the same cafe for several days in a row. After getting to know each other, he will talk to their staff and find that nearly 90% of them are unprofitable. Most of the rest are break even. But very few people really make money. "

Right now, Yu Guang is looking at other projects, but just to be on the safe side, he hasn't started yet.

How many cafes are there in Xi'an through crowdfunding? Why do most entrepreneurs choose to be a cafe? "it's hard to count exactly how many, but there are a lot of them. Probably because the operation of the cafe is relatively simple, and everyone has an idea that people want to get people together, so they choose this industry. " The above-mentioned Mr. he said.

What is the biggest risk? Easy to form a financial "black hole"

"crowdfunding startups are almost rotten." Mr. he, the above-mentioned industry insider, said, "although crowdfunding has better solved the problems such as funds in the process of starting a business, there are also some hidden dangers." For example, through the crowdfunding model, Xi'an has established so many cafes, but basically poor operation, and even some have been transferred. This has exposed a lot of problems, especially in management. "

Yu Guang also believes that in terms of operation, a strong sponsor is very important. In the face of many shareholders, what worries them most is different opinions. In the end, there is no lack of quarrels, compromises, helplessness, or even too much internal friction. Finally, they have to seek transfer because of management reasons.

But Wang Longfei, of Honey Pomelo Photography, is very optimistic about his own enterprise. he believes that although it is an equal rights structure, only the three of them are directly involved in the operation. "and in the first month of business, the turnover reached 400000 yuan. This is what many start-up studio enterprises cannot do. And the reason why the first month performance is so good, the most important point is that the prepared shareholders of various industries participated in marketing. " According to Wang Longfei, most of their shareholders are strangers, distributed in building materials, jewelry, media, logistics and other industries.

Yang Yin, founder and president of Beijing easy-to-raise Internet Technology Company, believes that in most cases, the absolute holding of sponsors is very important, and it is easier to succeed. For example, there are 100 cafes in the hearts of 100 people, and it is difficult to agree. In the end, they often have their own reasons, and no one can convince each other, so this affirmative structure lays the groundwork for the dispute over the crowdfunding model.

But Yang Yin also believes that the biggest risk of crowdfunding entrepreneurship is legal risk. "it should be legal, for example, no more than 200 shareholders. Crowdfunding is generally based on equity dividends, if the ownership structure is not transparent, it is easy to form a financial 'black hole'. " 'in this sense, crowdfunding regulation is just beginning, 'Mr. Yang said.

What should crowdfunding pay attention to? The team should be professional and professional

How to avoid the risks in crowdfunding entrepreneurship?

On this point, Wang Longfei, a photographer of pomelo photography, said with emotion: "when we raise people, we are also very strict, and we feel that it is more important than raising money. A lot of people were screened, more than 500 people were interviewed, and at last fewer than 100 people were selected. "

The reporter interviewed a number of shareholders who invested in crowdfunding projects and found that their needs varied, some of them took a fancy to the rate of return, while many people regarded it as an "investment behavior, such as investing in contacts."

A shareholder in the wardrobe said, "with only 1000 yuan, I can buy a lot of cheap clothes from the store. I have already paid back in return." But what I like is that I can get to know so many people, and the future is full of possibilities. "

So, which industries are suitable for crowdfunding? Wang Longfei believes that rigid demand industries are suitable, such as studio, haircut, beauty, driving school, etc., "but keep in mind that crowdfunding is just the icing on the cake. If you want to make a profit, you still have to find some reliable people."

"in the long run, when crowdfunding is mature, it must be just a tool for fund-raising. For shareholders, it is only about return on investment, not other behavior. Therefore, as ordinary people, when investing in a project, it is more scientific to ask professionals to assess the feasibility of the project, as well as the professionalization and professionalization of the sponsors. " Yang Yin thinks. Reporter Li Wangyan wrote