Coffee review

3D printed coffee cups are designed for astronauts to use, shaped like urine pockets.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, People on earth can enjoy coffee every day, but according to foreign media reports, because there is no gravity in space, it is not easy for astronauts to make a cup of coffee. Us researchers have used 3D printing technology to create six special coffee cups shaped like urine pockets, which will be used by astronauts this month. It is reported that coffee fat is needed to enhance the taste of espresso, that is,

People on earth can enjoy coffee every day, but according to foreign media reports, because there is no gravity in space, it is not easy for astronauts to make a cup of coffee. Us researchers have used 3D printing technology to create six special coffee cups shaped like urine pockets, which will be used by astronauts this month. It is reported that the taste of espresso requires "coffee fat" to enhance the color, that is, the foam on the coffee, but it is difficult to make it in the absence of gravity in the space station. The School of Engineering at Portland State University in the United States recently used 3D printing technology to create six special coffee cups, which are similar in shape to urine pockets, but this shape can make espresso for astronauts. Reported that the use of this special urine pocket-shaped coffee cup, its design does not need the assistance of a pump, only the wet cup surface tension, can push the liquid to their own control position, thus successfully making a cup of espresso. The six coffee cups will be carried by SpaceX rockets to the space station this month for astronauts to enjoy coffee.