Coffee review

Starbucks'"bad positioning" brings coffee shops across the country into the ditch.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When the domestic coffee shop is still committed to creating Starbucks-style third space, Starbucks in the development positioning has quietly changed. Faced with the embarrassing situation that the coffee market is growing and stores are difficult to maintain, coffee brands may need to calm down and think about who they really are. Starbucks crowd positioning: saying one thing and doing another Starbucks in the late 1980s

When the domestic coffee shop is still committed to creating Starbucks-style "third space", Starbucks in the development positioning has quietly changed. In the face of the embarrassing situation that the coffee market is growing and the stores are difficult to maintain, coffee brands may need to calm down and think about who they are.

Starbucks crowd positioning: say one thing and do another

Starbucks was positioned in the late 1980s as the "third space"-in addition to the office and home, you can also go to Starbucks to kill time.

In 1994, the signal from Starbucks' new chain store expansion plan changed to: we need to be faster and more convenient. It is fast food that makes Starbucks what it is today.

In the United States today, the ubiquitous Starbucks has nothing to do with the "third Space", but it is still the best marketing tipping point when entering other countries' markets.

The concept of the third space has brought other Starbucks-inspired coffee shop owners in China to the ditch. They try their best to slow down their stores and strive to turn their stores into a "third space". Such results all come to a dismal end.

Starbucks seems to be competing with the entire coffee shop industry, but in fact it is in a blue sea of market segments, firmly grasping this demand, and successfully pushing it to the world, becoming one of the representative brands of white-collar consumption.

Service location: do you know Starbucks is kicking you out?

Driven by profit, Starbucks has customized a special set of service standards to "drive" white-collar workers out of the store. This is for the key to the profitability of catering enterprises-to improve the turnaround rate. From the moment it enters the door, Starbucks has set up various links to shorten customers' stay in the store.

Starbucks is more of a coffee convenience store than a coffee shop, with far more customers choosing to buy and leave than those who enjoy it in the store.

Promotion orientation: only push the brand, not sell coffee

Starbucks in marketing, and the market to see the coffee brand marketing is very different. This difference is reflected in two levels.

1. Starbucks' appearance rate in people's vision is actually quite high, coupled with the platform-wide self-media publicity and interaction, Starbucks is many levels higher than other brands in terms of publicity volume.

2. Starbucks' marketing focus is not on taste and raw materials, but on brand image. Through product situational education and strong relevance to specific people, the brand is connected with perceptual concepts such as trend, avant-garde, high-end, taste, and so on. Increase brand premium.

The consumption characteristic of white-collar workers is that they pay great attention to the brand, and with a good brand positioning and image, the price products even rank at the bottom.

Source of this article: sales and Marketing