Coffee review

Beijing "Futures Coffee" crowdfunding is quietly on the rise.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Among the many crowdfunding startups, nothing is more popular than the crowdfunding cafe. We are in the era before change, this is the best of times, but also the worst of times. If we can stick together, we will be invincible. This is also the attitude of qu Xiaoning, one of the sponsors of the Futures Coffee crowdfunding project, which is the first excellent futures investment incubation in the domestic futures market based on crowdfunding model.

Among the many crowdfunding startups, nothing is more popular than the crowdfunding Cafe. "We are in an era before change, the best of times and the worst of times. If we can stick together, we will be invincible. " This is also the attitude of qu Xiaoning, one of the sponsors of the Futures Coffee crowdfunding project, which is the first excellent futures investment incubator in the domestic futures market based on the crowdfunding model.

Why make "Futures Coffee"? Qu Xiaoning, one of the sponsors of the project, said that at present, the domestic futures industry lacks a platform that can provide long-term and sustained communication. Most of the time, market communication is the exchange of specific groups, specific times and special events, while the whole industry does not have a long-term communication platform that can accommodate investors, investment, channels, media, supervision and so on. Can accommodate dozens or even hundreds of people to exchange and study, come to find docking resources, thirsty have something to drink, there is no problem to soak all day, these are some of the characteristics of this platform, and cafes can meet these requirements.

In fact, in the Internet industry, "crowdfunding cafes" has become a mature business model. For example, "Garage Coffee" is a coffee shop with the theme of entrepreneurship and investment. Entrepreneurs only need to order a cup of coffee per person per day to enjoy a free open office environment for a day. Garage coffee is not only a low-cost office space for entrepreneurs, but also a project library for investors. Garage Coffee has more than 20 "resident" entrepreneurial teams, and there are still new teams coming in from time to time. Garage coffee has enabled many startups to get angel investment.

Inspired by incubators such as "garage coffee", people in Beijing futures circle began to brew a platform belonging to the futures market. Qu Xiaoning said that "futures coffee" to create a complete futures ecological chain, there will be different needs on this platform. On the one hand, the platform can exchange resources with each other for docking; on the other hand, it can provide neutral third-party services in some docking to facilitate the completion of business between the two sides.

The advantage of "Futures Coffee" platform lies in the accumulation of resources, which will have an aggregation effect when resources are gathered. In the past, customers are often found difficult to find in business development, and customers will come when countless excellent futures people emerge on the platform. Business development has become a self-display, as long as the characteristics, good enough, the business will continue to appear.

"Futures Coffee" will attract excellent investment teams. From the beginning of the construction of the platform, there will be a large number of mature and excellent investment teams. For investors, as long as they come to this platform, they can find their own investment; for investment, you can not only find funds here, but also exchange and learn. At the same time, "Futures Coffee" will also become a platform for potential traders to train and incubate. There are many potential customers in the market, which are ignored by others because of their small fame. The platform provides seed funds and trading guidance to help those with lofty ideals succeed. When certain conditions are met, financing can be docked through the platform, and even fund products can be issued.

Qu Xiaoning said: "Futures Coffee" does not make revenue commitments, nor is it for the purpose of operating coffee for profit, but mainly derives other services through platform exchanges, and coffee itself is not profitable; and as a form of crowdfunding, the state does not allow cash in return in order to prevent illegal fund-raising. However, if there is a better profit situation, the way of benefit distribution will be determined through the crowdfunding committee.

Unlike the crowdfunding model, which is more common on the Internet, the Futures Coffee project adopts a "recommended way" to raise money. Qu Xiaoning said that the fundraising itself is not for financing, but to set a threshold in this way. If you agree with the idea and are willing to pay a certain cost, for other members, this person is connected with yourself in some ways, which greatly reduces the cost of trust. Recommendation system can effectively reduce screening time and increase trust.