Coffee review

The area output of coffee in Yunnan accounts for 99% of the country.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Xinhua Yunnan Channel, April 12 (Reporter Ji Zhe Peng) the reporter learned from the Yunnan Provincial Department of Agriculture that after more than 100 years of development, Yunnan has become the largest coffee producing area in the country. In 2014, the planting area of coffee in Yunnan reached 1.87 million mu and the output was 118000 tons, accounting for more than 99% of the country's total. According to the analysis of the global coffee production and marketing situation, the coffee planting area in Yunnan is expected to reach 2.5 million by 2020.

Xinhuanet Yunnan Channel April 12 th (Reporter Ji Zhepeng)

The reporter learned from the Agriculture Department of Yunnan Province that after more than 100 years of development, Yunnan has become the largest coffee-producing area in China. In 2014, Yunnan coffee planting area reached 1.87 million mu and output reached 118,000 tons, accounting for more than 99% of the country. According to the analysis of global coffee production and marketing situation, Yunnan coffee planting area is expected to reach more than 2.5 million mu by 2020, with an annual output of 200,000 tons of green coffee beans, a total output value of more than 35 billion yuan and an export foreign exchange of more than 300 million US dollars.

Wang Pinghua, deputy director of the Agriculture Department of Yunnan Province, introduced that since coffee was introduced into Yunnan more than 100 years ago, Yunnan coffee has the unique quality of "strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly acid flavor" due to its location in the low latitude plateau and natural climatic resources for producing world-class coffee. It has gradually become one of the main coffee producing areas in Asia and an important node for the world coffee giant to lay out the Chinese and even Asian markets.

Wang Pinghua introduced that through years of support, Yunnan coffee industry has developed rapidly. In 2014, the province's coffee planting area was 1.87 million mu, three times higher than the 640,000 mu in 2010; the output was 118,000 tons, more than twice higher than the 49,000 tons in 2010, and the planting area and output accounted for more than 99% of the country's total.

"At present, the coffee planting area of the whole province is distributed in more than 40 counties (urban areas) of 10 prefectures and cities. The main producing areas are Baoshan, Dehong, Pu 'er and Lincang in southern Yunnan and southwest Yunnan. The planting area and output of the four prefectures and cities account for more than 85% of the province." Wang Pinghua said.

At the same time, coffee is also an important agricultural product for foreign exchange. In 2014, Yunnan exported 48429 tons of coffee, earning 145.91 million US dollars from exports. The export foreign exchange increased slightly compared with the previous year, ranking third only after vegetables and tobacco. Coffee industry has become a characteristic advantageous industry to promote the development of Yunnan agricultural rural economy, increase farmers 'income and prosperity and stability of border areas.

While coffee planting area and output are growing rapidly, coffee enterprises are also growing synchronously. Wang Pinghua introduced that the province's coffee primary processing capacity exceeds 150,000 tons and the intensive processing capacity exceeds 20,000 tons. The annual production capacity of instant coffee powder of Dehong Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd. has reached 13000 tons, which is the largest instant coffee powder production enterprise in China. Yunnan Aini Group and Starbucks have established a joint venture company, marking another substantial step forward in the internationalization of Yunnan coffee.

According to reports, China is one of the countries with the fastest growth in coffee consumption in the world, and the market space is huge. The Agriculture Department of Yunnan Province has formulated a plan to enhance the brand influence of "Cloud Coffee," and will speed up the establishment of standardized and ecological coffee parks, promote the construction of modern coffee estates, strengthen the identification of provincial coffee leading enterprises, and promote the quality improvement, efficiency enhancement and transformation and upgrading of coffee industry from many aspects. (End)