Coffee review

Development of Coffee Industry in Simao District

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Shenjiu flew into the sky and attracted worldwide attention. The three kinds of seeds of Simao pine, big-leaf tea and small-grain coffee carried in Pu'er city have entered into space, marking a new milestone in Pu'er coffee breeding. In the face of the central western development strategy and the historical opportunity of Yunnan Province to build a strong green economy province, there are a series of opportunities around Pu'er to build a national green economy experimental and demonstration zone and to build a coffee capital of China.

The nine gods fly, attracting worldwide attention. Pu 'er City carries Simao pine, big leaf tea and small coffee seeds into space, marking a new milestone in Pu' er coffee breeding.

In the face of the historical opportunity of the central western development strategy and Yunnan Province's construction of a "strong green economy province," Simao District, which has a coffee development history of more than 20 years, has always adhered to the market-oriented, benefit-centered and science-based approach to improve coffee quality, speed up infrastructure construction, cultivate and strengthen leading enterprises, and actively expand domestic and foreign markets. On the road of development, a passionate song of industry is being composed.

Brave to stand at the head of the tide and dare to be the first

In 1987, facing the test of various complicated social environments, the villagers of Dakaihe Village in Nanping Town planted the first coffee seedling for the first time. From then on, Simao people embarked on the road of planting coffee. In 1988, Dakaihe Coffee Farm of Yunnan Simao Beigui Coffee Co., Ltd. was established, which initiated the "company + base + farmer" mode of coffee industry development in Pu 'er City and developed into a model. In the same year, the implementation of special coffee planting loan of "18 Project" of biological resources in Yunnan Province promoted the large-scale development of coffee industry in Simao District, with rapid expansion of planting area and steady increase of output. However, 40% of the coffee area in Simao District was damaged by natural disasters of low temperature and frost in 1999, and the area decreased year by year due to the falling price of international coffee market from 2000 to 2002.

In 2003, the coffee market downturn reversed and a new legend began to unfold. Simao District Party Committee and District Government judge the situation, guide according to the situation, regard coffee industry as another pillar industry after tea industry, support leading enterprises through attracting investment, and vigorously promote the development of coffee industry with extraordinary measures.

By the end of 2011, the coffee planting area in the whole region reached 93000 mu, including 68051 mu planted by farmers and 24949 mu planted by coffee production enterprises; the picking area was 65000 mu, with a total output of 8800 tons and an output value of 220 million yuan, involving 12,000 coffee farmers and 41,000 people, and the per capita income of coffee farmers was 4078 yuan.

Perhaps a series of figures seem boring, but it shows the coffee industry in Simao District vivid development trend. At the same time, it also explains from another aspect that the district party committee and district government stand on the concept of scientific development, harmonious development and cross-regional development, and finds a new income-increasing project for the masses of the whole region and opens up a new way of financial resources.

Scientific development of coffee industry

"Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the inexhaustible motive force for a country's prosperity." It is also the source of a city's enterprising spirit and pursuit of progress and its economic vitality.

In order to truly enlarge and strengthen the pillar industry of coffee, Simao District pays attention to science and technology, grasps the leader, grasps innovation, and fully promotes the scientific development of coffee industry. At present, after more than 20 years of unremitting efforts, coffee industry has become a pillar industry for financial growth, enterprise income increase and mountain farmers to get rid of poverty and become rich in Simao District.

Since 2003, the coffee market prospect has been optimistic, the price has risen steadily, and the market share of coffee production in Simao District has been expanding continuously. Yunnan coffee planting area and output accounted for more than 98% of the country, the main production area of Pu 'er City planting area and output accounted for more than 50% of the province. The planting area and output of Simao District account for more than one third of the whole city. It is also the distribution center of coffee products in the whole city. Coffee industry plays an important role in the economic development of the whole district.

With the continuous expansion of coffee planting area in the whole region, Simao District has vigorously promoted the application of green organic coffee production technology since Dakaihe Village and Nandaohe Village in Nanping Town were identified as Yunnan superior coffee planting demonstration bases by Nestle Coffee Company. At present, the green organic planting management level of coffee farmers has been obviously improved, and the quality of coffee products has been comprehensively improved.

To have a group of coffee professionals who understand technology, management and management is the premise for the coffee industry to continue to grow rapidly. Simao District is also aware of this point, the district tea office and agriculture, science and technology and other relevant departments closely cooperate, increase coffee production technology science and technology training, annual training more than 40 times, training more than 5000 person-times. Therefore, various measures are guaranteed to be in place and objectives and tasks are realized, and the sustained, rapid and healthy development of coffee industry in the whole region is promoted.

At the same time, Simao District actively creates a good investment environment and builds a platform for enterprises. Nestle Coffee Company, Starbucks Coffee Company, Beigui Coffee Company, Aini Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Group) Sanglaite Coffee Company and Manlaojiang Agricultural Comprehensive Development Company have been introduced to promote the large-scale development of coffee industry in the whole region by adopting various modes such as leading enterprises + bases + farmers. At present, there are 10 coffee production enterprises registered by industry and commerce in the whole region, including 5 enterprises with annual production, processing and marketing capacity of more than 5000 tons, 3 enterprises with annual production, processing and marketing capacity of more than 1000 tons and 2 enterprises with annual production, processing and marketing capacity of more than 500 tons.

On the basis of respecting the wishes of the masses, adhering to appropriate scale and achieving effective control and management, Simao District has established 9 farmers 'coffee professional cooperatives through the mode of leading enterprises plus cooperatives and cooperatives leading farmers, with villages as units and villages with coffee planting of thousands of mu, so as to enhance the confidence of coffee farmers in their development.

Eco coffee ready to go

At present, the development of Pu 'er coffee industry ushered in a good period of good policy environment, rapid growth of market demand, continuous deepening of development cooperation and high enthusiasm for coffee industry development. Simao District, which has more than 20 years of coffee development history, will surely usher in new industrial qualitative change.

In the face of a new round of opportunities, the 2012 Municipal Coffee Industry Development Symposium proposed that coffee-based, three-dimensional planting and multi-species combination symbiosis ecological coffee gardens should be built according to the natural ecological environment cycle law. Actively promote the work of "three products and one standard" and the standard generally implemented in the international coffee industry, namely 4C coffee certification, adopt the management method of green and organic coffee garden to carry out standardized cultivation and management of coffee, and create a unique brand of "Pu 'er Ecological Coffee".

Therefore, Simao District has formulated the Implementation Plan for Ecological Coffee Garden Construction in Simao District in combination with the "13111" Project of Pu 'er City. At present, various construction work is being carried out in an intense and orderly manner.

According to the requirements of natural ecological environment circulation system, Simao District will build an ecological coffee garden with coffee as the main part, three-dimensional planting and multi-species combination symbiosis. The 16,000 mu coffee garden newly planted in Simao District in 2012 shall retain all original tree species in a standardized manner, and there shall be no original tree species or plots where the original tree species fail to meet the requirements. A certain number of shade trees shall be planted. By retaining or newly planting, there shall be more than 5 kinds of tree species with certain economic value, which can play the role of soil improvement and shade, so as to form a coffee-shade tree compound ecological model and ensure the biodiversity of coffee planting base. 20-30% shade degree is achieved, so that the coffee garden system has stronger pest resistance and higher ecosystem stability.

In order to ensure the operability and practicability of the ecological coffee garden construction and achieve the expected purpose and effect, Simao District shall perfect the planning according to the principles of scientific planning, key construction, whole village promotion and step-by-step implementation, implement the planning tasks to townships (towns), village groups, coffee production enterprises and plots, so as to achieve clear objectives and tasks, prominent key points, measures in place and responsibilities assigned to people, so as to ensure that the coffee industry in Simao District steps to a new level.

Reporter Yang Zhendong

(Editor: Leo)