Coffee review

How should I play in a coffee shop with personal investment?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the development of economy and times, the business and leisure value of coffee shops are becoming more and more obvious, and more and more people are demanding more and more coffee consumption. Coffee shop has the greatest potential in all kinds of coffee consumption, and its development momentum is the strongest. Coffee shop consumption will become the dominant coffee consumption in the next 5-10 years. Opening a coffee shop is a lot of investment.

Small businesses should choose to run their own business, and it is easier to have enough money to join.

With the development of economy and times, the business and leisure value of coffee shops is becoming more and more obvious, and more and more people have higher and higher requirements for coffee consumption. Coffee shop has the greatest potential in all kinds of coffee consumption, and its development momentum is the strongest. Coffee shop consumption will become the dominant coffee consumption in the next 5-10 years. Opening a coffee shop is the choice of many investment entrepreneurs, but how to open it, whether to join or create their own brand, like the chain model of other industries, have their own advantages and disadvantages, or need specific analysis.

Pang Qianying, reporter of ■ New Express

Intern Xing Kui Fengjing

Case 1

Self-supporting mode

Good friends share the same interests

Set up a coffee shop in partnership.

Xiao Lin has always wanted to invest in a sideline, because he likes coffee and shares the same interests with his friends, so he chose to open a coffee shop. As the investment in opening a store is only about 150000 yuan, there is no way to join in this kind of cost. So they began to study it themselves. In fact, low cost is also an important reason why entrepreneurs choose to create their own brands.

Kobayashi, who has no entrepreneurial experience, is a way for him to learn the operation of coffee shops by reading books and consulting friends in the industry. "although not everyone is a coffee master, many people have coffee consumption habits and experience, and their experience is of great help to me."

Unlike ordinary coffee shops, the coffee shop opened by Kobayashi and his friends is named "BOX Space". It is not a coffee shop only by its name. "We found it very difficult to open a separate coffee shop, and we wanted the store to become more possible and make the space more interesting, so we wanted to present it in the form of a synthetic store." Kobayashi said that in the end, they found that the handmade work went well with the coffee, including the way they expected the store to operate-more hoping to create a better cup of coffee with their hands, and to make the coffee more interesting with their hands. so finally let the coffee and leather hit it off. In addition, there are original clothing and so on. "A box is a container that can hold a lot of things, and we want to bring more different experiences to our customers outside of coffee." Xiao Lin said.

For those who also want to open a coffee shop, Kobayashi suggests that coffee shops with different business models should find out different characteristics and choose their own suitable model. You have to have the courage to do what you want to do before you can bravely take the first step of panning for gold.

Investment list

1. With an area of about 80 square meters, the decoration investment includes decoration design, kitchen engineering, sanitation, bar, tables and chairs, etc., spending about 100000 yuan

two。 Equipment investment: including Italian coffee machine, coffee bean grinder, cup set, wine set, tableware, refrigerator, etc., totaling about 40,000 yuan

3. Daily fixed expenses: monthly rent of 4000 yuan; employee salary of 6000 yuan, two employees; plus utilities, a total of more than 10, 000 yuan.

Total upfront investment: more than 150000 yuan



1. Get brand support. Unified brand VI system, unified decoration style, so that franchise stores rapid growth, rapid profitability.

two。 Get training, business guidance, management and publicity support.

3. It is easy to mobilize enthusiasm. As the franchisee is responsible for its own profits and losses, the franchisee naturally pays special attention to the performance of its own company and the performance of its employees, and can obtain higher benefits.


1. The amount of investment is higher.

two。 Bind your hands and feet. Franchisees have unified requirements for raw material supply, decoration style and menu, so investors also need to consider the supply of raw materials in the follow-up development.

3. The coordination and communication between the franchisee and the headquarters is poor, so that the franchisee can not get the guidance of the headquarters in time.



1. The cost of investment can be controlled by itself.

two。 Entrepreneurs are flexible in management, for example, they can customize menus according to their needs, and the decoration style in the store can show more personality or local characteristics.

3. In the early stage, the bedding work such as material procurement, shop location and location is more complicated.


1. There is a high demand for the professional and management ability of entrepreneurs.

two。 Single purchase, the cost is high.

3. Awareness is not high, but also need to strengthen brand marketing, etc., need to go through a long period of business.

Comparison of investment threshold for some brands (unit: ten thousand yuan)

Pre-investment of brand franchise fee for use period

ZOO Coffee 30,178

Pacific Coffee 17.25 8 years-

Cross-strait coffee 164 years 180

Carving time 358 years 150

Iscase 33 years 190

SPR Coffee 18 years 100

(calculated according to standard store specifications, according to Beijing Business Daily)

Case 2

Joining mode

Each brand has different requirements, but the threshold for joining is high.

For investors, the easiest way to open a coffee shop is to join. Investors generally only need to choose the location of the store and hire staff to open the store. But the problem is that the cost of joining is high, and this alone may be enough to open a small shop at a small cost.

Like coffee to accompany you, mainly to join the expansion, but the threshold is very high. According to its website, 500000 joined the coffee shop. But according to media reports, the franchisee who has coffee with you called the media and said that more than 300 franchisees had paid 500000 yuan each to accompany you.

For the more popular coffee now, franchisees need to have the capital to open at least 5 to 10 stores (about 3.5 million per store on average), while the shares in each store will only account for 25 per cent. However, the brand has fully implemented the direct marketing model since 2013.

The cooperation form of Pacific Coffee is the exclusive agent in a single city, the joining fee is 172500 yuan per store, and the number of basic stores in each city is 10-15. In addition, the requirements of local coffee are relatively low. Take cross-strait coffee as an example, the joining fee for cross-strait coffee is 160000 yuan, and the deposit is 50, 000 yuan. However, cross-strait coffee shops should not be less than 600 square meters, and the threshold is also not low.

Voice of ■ industry

Huang Wenjie, Executive Chairman of Guangdong Circulation Industry Chamber of Commerce

The most fundamental thing for local coffee entrepreneurs is to grasp the characteristics.

Coffee shop is the most leisure industry in catering. At present, coffee shop is in the stage of rapid development, and all factions are in a "melee", so the development prospect is still great.

Personally, I believe that self-created brands are actually the most ideal business model for small businesses, and entrepreneurs will better manage the quality of coffee and the service of stores. But the problem that self-management faces is whether the financial guarantee is in place, whether the specialty is enough, and so on. Relatively speaking, the franchisee model as long as the franchisee has enough funds.

As far as the market pattern is concerned, the current awareness of foreign chain brands is high, so local entrepreneurs should develop their own characteristics when opening coffee shops, not just by temporary preferences, but mainly by selecting specific consumers.

Tang Jinqing, Vice President of Guangzhou Coffee Industry Association

The risk of joining mode is relatively small.

Coffee joining model will have general store managers or professionals in place to do some related assistance, it will be relatively better. Now many franchisees are actually the head office with capital management, will do a little better standardized management, franchisees can not do according to their own ideas. In terms of input cost, franchisees must look at what they have joined the brand positioning for you, and do not have too much autonomy to choose. Join to give join management fees, the advantage is that the headquarters already has a relevant business model to give you, do not take too much risk.

1. Select the brand of coffee beans

As coffee beans are different in sour taste, bitterness and flavor, coffee beans are mostly sold in the market in a mixed way at present. In other words, when you buy coffee beans, you are choosing a brand to a certain extent.

two。 The coffee machine must conform to the location of the store.

Open coffee shop, the vast majority of shops will choose semi-automatic coffee machine, or even manual coffee machine, which requires manual grinding, powder pressing, brewing deployment, more manual part, the product quality control will be more difficult. At present, domestic coffee machines are mainly imported, with prices ranging from 20, 000 to 40, 000 yuan, while domestic coffee machines are about 6000-10000 yuan. In addition, ice maker and smoothie machine are also indispensable.

3. The choice of water is related to the taste of coffee.

As a matter of fact, the water for brewing coffee cannot be casually. For example, mineral water is hard water, and its ingredients will release caffeine and tannin, greatly reducing the taste. Therefore, coffee should be made with soft water. Water purifiers and activated carbon filters can be used in coffee shops to avoid impurities and odors in the water, and soft and hard water separators can also be installed.

4. Attach importance to goods other than coffee

At present, there are very few shops that simply sell coffee. Most shops provide cakes, desserts, and even smoothies, salads, sandwiches and other products. In particular, investors who create their own brands should pay more attention to the menus in the stores.

Source: new KuaiBao