Coffee review

Thoughts on the Development of Coffee in Yunnan

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Yunnan coffee industry has developed rapidly due to the promotion of Yunnan provincial government's ten-year plan and the stimulation of rising international market prices in the past two years: by the end of June 2011, the province's coffee planting area has reached 617000 mu. In 2010-11, despite the impact of last year's drought, the province still achieved 40, 000 tons of coffee output, of which 28400 tons were exported from raw beans.

Yunnan coffee industry has developed rapidly due to the promotion of Yunnan provincial government's "Ten-year Plan" and the stimulation of rising international market prices in the past two years: by the end of June 2011, the province's coffee planting area has reached 617000 mu. In 2010-11, despite the impact of last year's drought, the province still achieved 40, 000 tons of coffee output, of which 28400 tons were exported from raw beans, with an export value of 134.25 million US dollars. It is another agricultural and sideline product exported to earn foreign exchange after flowers. According to this rate of development, the Yunnan Coffee Industry Plan (2010-2020) is expected to achieve the two targets of planting scale and output ahead of schedule.

The prospect of coffee industrialization in Yunnan is bright, but the road is tortuous.

What is industrialization, that is, there are industries that cover the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, have a long industrial chain, have a large group of related enterprises, have advanced core technologies in the same industry in the world, and have high market awareness and share. In recent years, the global coffee industry has put forward a new concept of industrialization: ecological, sustainable, high-quality and high-yield, environmental protection and low-carbon industrialization.

Through careful comparison and analysis, the road of coffee industrialization in Yunnan is still long and difficult, and the key lies in whether the awareness of the same industry in the province is enhanced, whether they can realize the accurate position and promotion potential of Yunnan coffee in the global market, whether they can recognize their own current situation and existing problems, and find the breakthrough of their own links, and broaden their own way forward.

First, the status of Yunnan coffee in the global coffee.

According to the current output of coffee in Yunnan, it only accounts for less than 5 per thousand of the total global output. Even if the output of Yunnan reaches 200000 tons in 2020, it is still less than 5 per thousand in the world at the rate of increasing production in the current producing countries. It is obviously impossible for Yunnan coffee to gain a reputation in the global market.

In recent years, more than 60% or even 90% of Yunnan coffee is exported as a primary product of raw coffee beans. And exports to Europe account for the majority. However, in the description of the ingredients of the processed products assembled by European roasters after purchasing, no one has ever said that there is Yunnan coffee in China, but it is used by the names of small producers in South America and Africa, which shows the recognition and fame of Yunnan coffee in the global market.

We have asked the tasting experts of ICO to evaluate the inherent quality of Yunnan coffee, and the cup test evaluation is above average. Although Yunnan coffee does not have the same unique characteristics as the world-famous coffee, there is still no lack of producing coffee, which has excellent taste quality and has the basic conditions and characteristics of making fine coffee.

Therefore, if Yunnan coffee wants to get its due position in the global market, it must follow the goal of quality to strive and strive.

Second, the present situation and problems of coffee cultivation in Yunnan.

As the primary processing stage of raw coffee bean products are placed in the place of origin, it is customary in the industry to put the primary processing into it when planting. Due to the mountain landform, it is difficult to have a large area of coffee gardens in Yunnan coffee producing areas, resulting in decentralized processing and decentralized management of Yunnan coffee, which is the reality that the development of Yunnan coffee industry has to face.

1. Variety

The vast majority of coffee producing areas in Yunnan use catimor varieties and less than 5 per cent of typica and bourbon varieties. Iron pickup is the most close to the original species among the small grain species (Arabica). It has excellent aroma and sour taste, but it is not resistant to rust and needs considerable shade trees, resulting in low yield and low maintenance cost. Bobang is the best secondary species closest to the native species, and it is the second species produced by the iron pickup mutant. The aroma and alcohol thickness should be of high quality, but they are also not resistant to rust, and the yield is not high. Katim is a commercial variety with high yield, but its taste is inferior to that of iron pickup and bourbon. It is a commercial variety with high rust resistance (Timor, a hybrid of small and medium seeds) and a Bourbon mutant, caturra.

The gene bank of coffee germplasm resources in China has 285 germplasm resources in Dehong Hot cropping Institute of Yunnan Province. due to the long-term lack of national investment, it is still impossible to expand trial planting and commercial planting of several new varieties with high quality and high yield. although there are units to study coffee varieties in China, the number is too small to mention. The Colombian National Coffee Research Center has more than 1100 germplasm genetic resources, so Colombia can continue to provide commercial varieties with strong stress resistance, high yield and excellent cup products to market.

Although a large number of commercially cultivated Katim varieties in Yunnan have weaknesses, they are irreplaceable varieties that can not be replaced in a short period of time in the development of Yunnan producing areas. However, the situation that has occurred in recent years cannot but arouse our attention and research: the widespread use of Katim varieties, especially in older coffee plantations, has shown a decline in plant rust resistance, yield and cup taste, even by using the method of rejuvenation. It is necessary to cut the pole twice in less than a few years, and the cut loses a year's output, which is a necessary technical work that Yunnan farmers are unwilling to implement. From the investigation of benign fading, the fast rate of fading may be due to the long-term use of a large number of chemical fertilizers, because coffee plantations that insist on the use of organic fertilizers do not show or do not occur. This is a problem worthy of in-depth study by technical and scientific research departments in the near future.

2. Planting management

For the selection of plantations and the excavation of planting ditches, it is inappropriate for some of our plantations to be located on slopes of nearly 35 degrees or above, which not only has a high cost of excavation, but also is easy to cause rainy season collapse and soil erosion. Although some have opened contour platforms, the method of digging planting ditches is not standard, and many producing areas still adopt the method of digging pits rather than trenches, and do not realize the particularity that coffee taproots are short and absorbed entirely by lateral roots. Many producing countries around the world have excavated the selected sites of the plantations many years ago, adopting the concept of ecological sustainability, and trying their best to ensure that the coffee plantations maintain the original ecological natural plant community and avoid the use of pesticides caused by diseases and insect pests caused by a single species, so as to ensure the high quality taste and eco-organic of coffee products.

Planting: it is a common problem that sufficient topsoil and sufficient organic fertilizer must be backfilled at the bottom of each pond. In recent years, the production measures of planting two seedlings per nutrition bag have been implemented in foreign countries. it is reported that there are many advantages: the increased cost is negligible compared with the benefits brought by high and stable yield after putting into production, and it is not easy to replenish seedlings in ponds after colonization. it can only last ten years after it is put into production. This is one of the measures to increase the output of the producing country without expanding the planting area, and it is worth using for reference. Of course, we must pay attention to whether the variety, such as Katim 7963, which has more one or two branches, can be tested.

Pruning and shaping: this technical measure is very necessary and mature, but it is not enough to be instilled into every farmer, so that a considerable number of tree-shaped branches in producing areas are not good, waste fertility and affect yield.

Soil and fertilizer management: soil and fertilization is an aspect that coffee growers in Yunnan have failed to study and manage in detail. The ph value of soil in most producing areas of Yunnan is sour, but many producers do not pay attention to using lime, a low-cost alkaline substance, to adjust the ph value to 5.5 Mel 6.5. If the ph value is too low or too high, it is not easy to get high quality and high yield coffee. In addition, the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in the soil can not be the same in any plot, and the same plot will change with the extension of planting time. Therefore, in order to take out high-quality and high-yield coffee and measure the soil infrequently, it is not only difficult to obtain this economic goal but also increase the cost because of the lack of pertinence of fertilization. Fertilization should also be adjusted according to the different periods of vegetative growth and reproductive growth of coffee plants.

Then there is the problem of the use of chemical fertilizers, which are fast in efficiency and relatively low in cost. Most growers in Yunnan Province use a large number of them for a long time, but they do not realize that, in addition to causing soil consolidation, the bigger problem is the decline in the taste and yield of products, and the excellent fading of varieties.

In order to grow good coffee and produce good coffee, we must change the concept of soil and fertilizer management.

Fermentation control time in primary processing: fermentation control which has a key effect on taste quality in primary processing will lead to excellent or poor taste of coffee. So far, very few of them can accurately control the fermentation time, all based on experience. If all enterprises and farmers can use thermometers to measure and record local 24 hours, changes in air temperature and water temperature, and record accumulation in one or two seasons. Coming up with an accurate fermentation time curve will certainly be helpful to improve product quality and increase sales value.

Treatment of processing waste: the wastes from the initial processing of coffee in Yunnan include fermentation and cleaning wastewater, fresh peel and bean shell (seed shell). Most of the fresh pericarps from the initial processing areas are accumulated in the low-lying areas, allowing it to rot and ferment, and the processing waste water also flows away from the pericarp stacking places, where the soil acidity is very high, and the vegetation is not growing. The soil where the water flows is polluted. For this matter, many foreign colleagues sharply mentioned this pollution problem to me many years ago, and so far this general situation has not changed. If the sewage discharge is acidified, even if it can not be used as fertilizer and water, it will no longer pollute the surrounding environment. According to this year's output, the dry matter weight of the pericarp should be about 10,000 tons. As long as it is dried in time, do not let it rot, and add appropriate ingredients, healthy and safe high-quality animal feed can be processed, which has already been produced in foreign countries. And it is a very valuable product. More importantly, the problem of pericarp pollution is solved.

In the initial processing plant, most of the remaining bean shells (seed shells) of processed coffee are burned as fuel, and a few are used as fertilizer, but the fertility is not high. The mature use in foreign countries is to use an environmentally friendly adhesive to make environmentally friendly building materials such as floor strips, which is a good way to solve pollution and waste and increase the added value of coffee industry output. According to the output of coffee this year, it is estimated that there should be about 10,000 tons in the whole province. if we can develop environmentally friendly building materials, we will not only make full use of resources to avoid pollution, but also promote related enterprises and realize the added value of industrialization.

Third, the present situation and problems of coffee processing in Yunnan.

There are only less than ten coffee processing industries in Yunnan, large and small, and there are only two kinds of processed products: roasted coffee and instant coffee. The only enterprises that can be represented by the two products are Yunnan Coffee Factory and Dehong Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd. Yunnan coffee processing industry is far from playing a leading role in market share and market evaluation at home and abroad. Because the whole coffee processing industry is still in a very low stage. Market recognition and market share are extremely limited, so more than 90% of the coffee output in the province is based on raw coffee beans, the most primary product of coffee, to achieve sales value, and the added value of the industry is very low, thus it can be seen that the industrial chain is not long. Obstacles to the development of coffee industrialization in Yunnan.

Among the deep-processed products of coffee, there are many articles to be done on roasted coffee and instant coffee. The premise of a good article is that the processing industry should have a more in-depth understanding and study of Yunnan coffee, and in order to have an in-depth understanding and research, we must have a deeper research and mastery of the three key technologies of coffee cup analysis, roasting and blending. However, in Yunnan coffee processing industry, except for a very few enterprises to pay attention to research and mastery for a long time (but it is far from enough from the perspective of the requirements of industry development) Most enterprises have only scratched the surface compared with some outstanding domestic counterparts. Therefore, so far, Yunnan coffee processing industry has not been able to introduce higher-taste coffee products to the market.

It is commendable that now many enterprises have begun to pay attention to in-depth research and learning the three key technologies of cup analysis, roasting and blending, and spend a lot of money to buy coffee nose for the study and improvement of coffee cup technology. Coffee nose: 36 sets of common coffee aromas and other odors.)

There is a product between the roasted coffee product and the instant coffee product: espresso, which can be formed separately before the instant coffee product is dehydrated and dried. With the original taste and most of the aroma of roasted coffee, it is widely used in food processing industry, coffee and beverage processing industry and cafe consumption in Asian consuming countries, especially in Japanese market. Yunnan coffee processing industry should have two or three hardware equipment for processing concentrated liquid products, but so far no one has come up with this product.

Coffee, a special product, contains more than a thousand kinds of aromatic substances, many of which are of high value and can be used as additives for other products. Foreign countries have conducted in-depth research and produced products, and the products have brought out more related enterprises. Yunnan, as the main producing area of coffee in China, there are many research, testing and analysis units, but no one is doing in-depth research and development of this product, a blank in the development of the industry. It is worthy of the attention of Yunnan government and enterprises.

Fourth, grasp the key to the healthy and steady development of Yunnan coffee industry.

The key to the development of Yunnan coffee industrialization lies in the products, and the key to the development of products lies in the accurate understanding of Yunnan coffee. The key to the accurate understanding of Yunnan coffee lies in the in-depth mastery of the three technologies of cup analysis, roasting and blending.

With the development of coffee industrialization in Yunnan, it is worth significantly improving the delivery quality of raw coffee beans as a primary product from the aspect of agriculture (that is, paying attention to high quality and high yield rather than high yield and high quality). And from the province's producing areas to cultivate a batch of coffee with basic conditions and characteristics to make high-quality raw coffee beans, it is estimated that nearly 10% of the province's production areas have the conditions to make high-quality coffee. It is normal that only primary products are worth 50% more than the average level.

From the industrial point of view, we should aim at the high-quality and non-high-quality raw materials produced in the production areas to do enough flavor and characteristics of the products. Some foreign peer experts used Yunnan beans to do blending research, and came up with several kinds of good coffee with special flavor and comfortable taste, which was very popular with those who participated in the cup. So at present, Yunnan coffee processing industry can make enough roasted coffee, espresso liquid and instant coffee, which has taken a big step forward for the development of coffee industrialization in our province. Roasted coffee products, excellent boutique beans, can be launched with a good flavor of single coffee. Whether it is Yunnan boutique beans or non-boutique beans, as long as coffee from all over the world is used as ingredients, a number of blended products with rich taste and pleasant flavor can be put on the market. In addition, in the early days, we tried to mix soybeans or hemp kernels (hemp kernels) properly into roasted coffee, so the taste became extremely smooth, and it was not easy for old coffee lovers to accept, but it was especially suitable for newcomers. China's coffee has a great market in the initial stage. As for instant coffee, I once tasted a Colombian coffee, which tastes good and is close to roasted coffee, so Yunnan coffee, whether roasted coffee or instant coffee, has the potential to develop varieties or improve its quality.

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