Coffee review

Coffee shops in Singapore promote Di Zi Gui

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Several coffee shop owners in Singapore have devoted themselves to promoting the "disciple rule" culture after doing business, Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao reported.

The coffee shop is decorated with the words "Di Zi Gui", which adds a little cultural flavor to the place where civilians solve the problem of three meals. (photo by Cai Wanting)

Several coffee shop owners in Singapore have devoted themselves to promoting the "disciple rule" culture after doing business, Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao reported.

There are two coffee shops in Singapore. The walls and pillars of the cafe say, "Don't pick up food, don't pick it up, don't eat it, don't overdo it", "he says long, it's short, it's none of your business, don't mind your own business", "crafty words, dirty words, market spirit, don't abstain from it".... no, no, no.

Since such words are not common in coffee shops, some mothers will read to their children the words on the wall, such as "parents call, do not delay" when they take their children to school in the morning.

It turned out that this was the idea of coffee shop owner Su Shengtian (42), who put it into practice with the help of several like-minded industry. The two coffee shops are located at Block 672, 4 Hongmaoqiao Road and 1014 Shilonggang Road, Singapore. Interestingly, although Su Shengtian no longer runs the Hongmaoqiao coffee shop, his partners still retain his idea of promoting "Di Zi Gui" in the coffee shop.

Su Shengtian's idea is not a "whim", but the precipitation of some understanding. He and his colleague Xie Yuhe (51), introduced by supplier Chen Youzi (52), went to class to come into contact with the Analects of Confucius and traditional Chinese culture. His classmates showed him a set of CD-ROMs about sage education, which inspired his interest in Di Zi Gui, so he took the course of Di Zi Gui. After studying Di Zi Gui for two months, Su Shengtian felt that this was a very good thing and came up with the simple idea of "wanting to promote what I have learned and understood to everyone."

At that time, with the full support of Zhu Zhiqiang, a partner at Hongmaoqiao Coffee Shop, he spent more than 10,000 yuan to find a sign company to help design and print. Su Shengtian felt deeply about Di Zi Gui, mainly because the doctrine of Di Zi Gui took him out of the "dark period".

He said, "Di Zi Gui has helped me a lot." Why is it dark? It is because he did not come into contact with disciple Gui and traditional culture that he became dark. In the past, money was spent on famous cars and desires, but now it is spent on giving. The business was not so smooth before. I had failed before, but when I was tested, I happened to meet the teacher and walked towards the bright road. "

The coffee shop has a "cultural book hall".

Another coffee shop with the doctrine of "Di Zi Gui" is located on the upper section of Shilonggang Road in Singapore. Xie Yuhe, the owner of Chaozhou porridge, is interested in Confucian principles, and his way of doing business is to learn from Confucian teachings. After coming into contact with Su Shengtian, Xie Yuhe visited the coffee shop designed by Su Shengtian. Although Xie Yuhe is not familiar with Di Zi Gui, he originally wanted to set up a "cultural book hall" corner in the coffee shop and put some Confucian books to give back to his Confucian teachers.

Influenced by Su Sheng-tien, Xie Yuhe felt that Di Zi Gui and Chinese traditional culture were very important, so he asked Su Sheng-tien to help organize the books of Cultural Shuxuan, and he decided to decorate the coffee shop with the words Di Zi Gui. "Cultural Shuxuan" broadcasts a CD of sage education 24 hours a day. On the bookcase, there are mainly CD-ROMs of sage education printed by several bosses, "Disciple rules" and "Fan Sixun" for diners to take.

Xie Yuhe said: "Cultural Shuxuan does not waste space." When we study Confucianism, we want to give back to the society what we have learned, so that we can learn more about Chinese culture and what people should be when they are alive. After all, this kind of humanities education has been lost, and we only want to contribute a little. "