Coffee review

Who says you can't drink coffee when you're pregnant? It's okay for me to drink every day.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Dai Mama knows a mother from Belgium who has her third child and is more than 6 months pregnant. With a cup of coffee every day, I don't know if she still drinks it when she gets home. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with her. Some mothers also told Dai Mom that she drank coffee when she was pregnant, and now her baby's muscle tension is high. I heard that there are many cases of miscarriage or baby problems caused by drinking coffee. So is it possible to get pregnant?

Dai Mama knows a mother from Belgium who has her third child and is more than 6 months pregnant. With a cup of coffee every day, I don't know if she still drinks it when she gets home. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with her.

Some mothers also told Dai Mom that she drank coffee when she was pregnant, and now her baby's muscle tension is high. I heard that there are many cases of miscarriage or baby problems caused by drinking coffee.

So can you get pregnant with coffee after all? Dai Ma specially went through the information for all the hot moms:

The caffeine in coffee does have an effect on the fetus, including spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, irregular heart rate and so on. Foreign data believe that caffeine has the risk of causing fetal finger deformities, cleft palate and other malformations. A mother who drinks more than 8 cups of coffee or tea a day during pregnancy is closely related to the baby's congenital malformations.

For some mothers-to-be, however, coffee can make her refreshed, relaxed and work more efficiently. Even get a day in a good mood, if absolutely forbidden, some mothers can not accept it. So can pregnant women drink coffee after all?

In fact, the effect of caffeine in coffee on the fetus is not absolute, it will not happen until the dose is very high, that is to say, as long as the intake of caffeine is controlled, pregnant women can also drink coffee.

For pregnant women, their daily caffeine intake should be less than 200 milligrams. Those so-called decaf actually contain more or less a few milligrams of caffeine. Today, Dai Ma will take Starbucks, which is frequented by hot mothers, as an example to see how to order to keep caffeine intake within a safe range.

Hot coffee made by NO.1

All Starbucks stores have three levels of hot coffee: light, medium and deep roasting. However, unless you drink it from a small porcelain coffee cup in the store, you can guarantee a cup of coffee with a caffeine content of 180 milligrams. Control within the standard intake of pregnant women. The medium, large and extra-large cups of coffee you pack and take with you all contain more than 200 milligrams of caffeine.

In fact, if you just need a large hot drink, you can choose decaf coffee, even the oversized cup contains only 30 milligrams of caffeine.

NO.2 iced coffee

Starbucks sells only one kind of iced coffee, which contains between 120 and 165 milligrams of caffeine. So unless you choose a 24-ounce oversized cup, it will contain more caffeine than the recommended intake, reaching 235 milligrams. Otherwise, your choice of iced coffee is within the safe range.

NO.3 espresso

Lattes, cappuccinos, caramel macchiato and light milk beans contain different amounts of espresso, so caffeine content varies. In general, these coffees in standard and medium cups contain an espresso with a caffeine content of 75 milligrams. Large and oversized cups contain two servings of espresso and contain up to 150 milligrams of caffeine. But fortunately, they are still below the maximum of 200 milligrams (oh yes)!

NO.4 Star Frappuccino

If you want to buy a mixed-flavored Frappuccino, the caffeine content ranges from 75 to 110 milligrams, no matter whether you choose vanilla or caramel macchiato, and you can have an appetite for a spoonful of ice cream or chocolate.

But it's important to note that a cup of espresso Frappuccino contains 165 milligrams of caffeine, which suddenly takes up most of the caffeine you can eat during the day.

NO. 5 bottles of Starbucks iced coffee

Starbucks offers bottled iced coffee, which is also available in supermarkets, with two flavors of vanilla and caramel. An 11-ounce bottle of coffee contains 115 milligrams of caffeine, which certainly doesn't reach the maximum intake.

NO. 6 iced tea

The iced shake tea series-sweet tea, black tea and peach green tea-range from 15 to 90 milligrams of caffeine depending on the size of the cup. Drinking one or two cups of such tea a day instead of high-caffeinated drinks is a good choice. It's good for you and your baby.

Bottled Taishu tea contains 15 to 45 milligrams of caffeine, and you don't need to feel guilty even if you drink four cups a day.

So, mothers-to-be, go when you really want coffee, as long as you limit your intake of caffeine to less than 200 milligrams.

Source: hot mom Stella