Coffee review

Not every kind of coffee can cheer you up quickly.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, How can ability quickly refresh oneself, wake up doze off? A lot of people think of drinking coffee. However, can coffee really boost one's spirits and eliminate drowsiness immediately? Recently, the Chongqing Morning Post and Consumer report magazine examined seven prepackaged lattes of Brown, Nestle, Qiaoya, Yaha, Yali, Yushi and Kirin Firecup, as well as Starbucks, Kopi Luwak and Lavazza S

How can ability quickly refresh oneself, wake up doze off? A lot of people think of drinking coffee. However, can coffee really boost one's spirits and eliminate drowsiness immediately?

Recently, the Chongqing Morning Post and Consumer report magazine have tested 7 prepackaged lattes from Brown, Nestle, Qiaoya, Yaha, Yili, Youshi and Kirin Firecoffee, as well as freshly ground lattes from seven coffee chains: Starbucks, Kopi Luwak, Lavazza Solo caf é, Coffee with you, COSTA COFFEE, McCoffee and Pacific Coffee. We compared the caffeine, protein and fat of 14 lattes and found that some lattes were of poor quality and had relatively weak refreshing effect.

Evaluation report 1

Caffeine content varies greatly from brand to brand.

Our survey of 265 netizens shows that on the question of "why do you drink coffee", 41.5% are refreshing and 39.8% are delicious.

Yun, doctor of food engineering, inadvertently told reporters that the "efficacy ingredient" of coffee is basically caffeine. Caffeine content can be used to judge the "refreshing" effect of coffee. Generally speaking, the higher the caffeine content, the better the "refreshing" effect.

We commissioned a third-party authoritative testing agency to determine the caffeine content of these 14 lattes.

According to the test data, the caffeine content of seven prepackaged latte drinks varies greatly. Among them, Brown original coffee has the highest caffeine content, reaching 601mg/kg, while Kirin Foca and Yushi lattes, which rank last, have less caffeine content than 300mg/kg.

There are also significant differences in caffeine content among the seven freshly ground lattes. Starbucks lattes contain 453mg/kg, while COSTA and Pacific Coffee have only 275mg/kg and 245mg/kg lattes, respectively.

Evaluation report 2

Some prepackaged lattes are insufficient.

The important ingredient of coffee raw material is caffeine, and the important quality component of milk is protein and fat.

The results showed that there was little difference in the fat content of the seven prepackaged lattes, but the caffeine and protein contents of Yushi and Kirin hot coffee lattes were much lower than those of other brands. Among them, the protein content is less than 1g/100g.

"these two prepackaged lattes are low in caffeine and protein, and may use less milk and coffee." Jiang Zhuoqin, professor of food safety and nutrition at Sun Yat-sen University, explained.

Evaluation report 3

Prepackaged coffee may contain health risks

It is worth noting that different brands of prepackaged lattes also use different coffee and milk.

Blang, Yaha and Yili all use "coffee extract", Yushi refers to "coffee", and the other three brands use instant coffee. In terms of milk, 7 prepackaged lattes are also different, some using milk, some using milk powder or milk powder.

Jiang Zhuoqin warned that at present, many coffee drinks use synthetic cream (also known as plant fat powder) because it tastes good and the cost is low. However, plant fat powder contains trans fatty acids, if long-term intake of too much trans fatty acids may increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is harmful to human health.

On the packaging label of the seven prepackaged lattes submitted for inspection, the Yaha Italian mellow latte espresso is clearly stated on the ingredient list using plant fat powder.

"synthetic cream and caffeine are harmful but not beneficial to human health." Jiang Zhuoqin reminds consumers that regular coffee drinkers are advised to choose freshly ground coffee when conditions permit.

Drink coffee

One day is the best.

No more than two cups

Why can drinking coffee refresh me? A large number of literatures have shown that the caffeine contained in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system, prolong the awake time of the brain, and make the mind clear and sharp. Under normal circumstances, a person who drinks 200 milliliters of American coffee can enter a refreshing state.

So, how much caffeine is more appropriate for the human body every day? Yun inadvertently believes that there are many studies on the health effects of caffeine, and there is no widely accepted recommendation for how much caffeine is "appropriate" or "safe" every day. According to various sources, caffeine intake of 400 cents and 500 milligrams per day is relatively moderate.

Jiang Zhuoqin, professor of food safety and nutrition at Sun Yat-sen University, said that consumers in the United States are recommended to drink two cups of coffee a day (in terms of a 250ml cup). Therefore, it is recommended that you drink no more than two cups of coffee a day. After 5 p.m., it's best not to drink coffee.

Source: Chongqing Morning Post