Coffee review

Starbucks employees have revealed a secret that will allow you to drink their coffee for free every day

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to Starbucks employees, someone did, and they did get a free drink. In fact, Starbucks often has discounts. In addition to the discount activities of the physical stores themselves, sometimes Starbucks discount promotion messages are received through mobile phones. As long as you show it to Starbucks employees, you can buy one get one free when you buy coffee. But this time Starbucks employees exploded.

According to Starbucks employees, some people actually did it, and they did get it for free.

In fact, Starbucks often has discounts. In addition to the discount activities in brick-and-mortar stores, they sometimes receive discount promotional messages from Starbucks through their mobile phones. As long as they show it to Starbucks clerks, they can buy one get one free and so on. But this time, a Starbucks employee revealed that a guest had found the secret to free coffee for a whole year, but unexpectedly caused controversy among netizens.

On the discussion section of a website in the United States, someone asked "the worst restaurant customer you've ever met." Halsey, an employee of Starbucks, said that she works at Starbucks and that a guest comes to ask for a free cup of coffee every day. So how on earth did it?

Starbucks card has a discount, that is, users can get a cup of free coffee on their birthday.

So the guest bought 365 Starbucks cards and registered them with different names and mailboxes on Starbucks' website (enough for coffee).

After success, you can use different cards to get free birthday drinks every day.

Everyone was shocked by this seemingly excessive and irrefutable method. Although free coffee is beautiful, it is obviously deceptive.

Later, the media reported the matter, and many netizens always thought there was something strange after reading it. And then the controversy began.

Argument 1: what he drinks is not "free" coffee because Starbucks cards cost money.

Argument 2: in the United States, a Starbucks card costs as little as $1, so it costs $365 to buy 365 cards.

Actual expenditure:

The cheapest Starbucks card in the United States is 1 dollar.

One hundred and thirty-five dollars

The actual result is:

At $2.25 for a regular Starbucks.

$2.25 for $365 and $821.25


821.25-365-456.25 US dollars

But is that really the case...

Controversy 3: although a Starbucks card costs only $1, netizens say Starbucks has a rule that each new card should be worth at least $5.

Actual expenditure:

Starbucks card + $5 stored value = $5, $5 per card

Five dollars, 365 dollars, 1,825 dollars.

The actual result is:

At $2.25 for a regular Starbucks.

$2.25 for $365 and $821.25

It's even more expensive:

1825-821.25 dollars 1003.75 dollars!

But at the same time, you also get 365 cards with $5 in them.

If you work hard to use it, you can get your money back in more than two years, and then you can really drink free coffee every day!

Well, now you can calculate how long it will take to have free coffee in China.